Section: New Software and Platforms

Software tools for the TRANUS LUTI Model

Keywords: Urban planning - Transport model - LUTI

Functional Description: This year, we have consolidated and extended our software tools for the TRANUS LUTI model, thanks to support by Inria allowing to hire an engineer for one year Emna Jribi (ADT TRACAV project). Various tasks have been accomplished, concerning three types of functionality, these are as follows. First, calibration of TRANUS. The software implementation of our methods for calibrating the TRANUS land-use component has been cleaned up. It has been encapsulated such as to be seamlessly integrated within the TRANUS workflow (consisting of a sequence of executables, exchanging data through binary and other files). Second, graphical user interfaces to facilitate the repeated execution of TRANUS executables, for generating reports on results or for the exploration of the space of some critical model parameters. Third, we have continued to work on the embedding of TRANUS within the open source QGIS platform (a widely used Geographic Information System).