Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
In the context of ANR Dash, Guillaume Aupy organized a workshop on I/O in Europe He was the co-chair of the FTS workshop at Cluster 2018.
Member of the steering committee
Emmanuel Jeannot is member of the steering committee of Euro-Par and the Cluster international conference.
Member of the Organizing Committees
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Guillaume Aupy was workshop Chair at SC 2018, Inclusivity Vice-Chair at SC 2018, Algorithm track vice-chair at ICPP 2018.
Emmanuel Jeannot was the program chair of the COLOC workshop.
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Emmanuel Jeannot was member of the program committee of IPDPS 2019, HPML 2018, Heteropar 2018, Compas 2018.
Brice Goglin was a member of the program committee of EuroMPI 2018, SuperComputing 2018 (posters), and of the COLOC, ExaComm and ROME Workshops.
Alexandre Denis was a member of the program committee of CCGrid 2018, CCGrid 2019, HiPC 2018, SC 2018 (workshops).
Guillaume Aupy was a member of the program committee of SuperComputing 2018 (Doctoral Showcase), HPML 2018, CEBDA 2018 (IPDPS workshop).
Guillaume Mercier was a member of the programm committe of SuperComputing 2018 (Performance Measurement, Modeling, and Tools Track), EuroMPI 2018, CCGrid 2018, HPCS 2018 and Compas 2018
Member of the Editorial Boards
Emmanuel Jeannot is associate editor of the International Journal of Parallel, Emergent & Distributed Systems (IJPEDS).
Emmanuel Jeannot was an invited editor for the Special Issue of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience for best papers of HCW 2018.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Guillaume Aupy was a reviewer for IEEE TPDS, Cluster Computing.
Emmanuel Jeannot was a reviewer for IEEE TPDS, Journal of Computational Science.
Invited Talks
Scientific Expertise
Emmanuel Jeannot have been reviewer for the PRACE 6IP call (WP8).
Emmanuel Jeannot was a member of the hiring committee of an Inria junior researcher position at Bordeaux.
François Pellegrini has been appointed as co-pilot of the project group on free/libre software at Comité pour la science ouverte (CoSO), an arm of the CODORNUM of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
François Pellegrini was a member of the former Comité d'Orientation sur l'Information Scientifique et Technique (CORIST) of Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA).
François Pellegrini participated in a roundtable on “the societal impact of digital identity” during the Assises de l'identité numérique organized by the French ministries of the Interior and Justice, and the State Secretariat for digital issues.
François Pellegrini was heard by members of the Law Commission of the French Senate, on e-voting.
François Pellegrini was a member of the hiring committee for an assistant professor position at Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour.
Research Administration
Emmanuel Jeannot is deputy head of science of the Inria Bordeaux research center.
Emmanuel Jeannot is member of the Inria evaluation committee
Emmanuel Jeannot is member of LaBRI scientific coouncil and head of the Satanas team.
Alexandre Denis is head of the Inria Bordeaux CUMI-R (IT users committee).
Brice Goglin and Guillaume Mercier are elected members of the research centre committee.
Standardization Activities
TADaaM attended the MPI Forum meetings on behalf of Inria (where the MPI standard for communication in parallel applications is developed and maintained). TADaaM also created of a new working group in the MPI Forum, dedicated to hardware topologies management and currently leads this working group. The Hsplit proposal in currently under early discussions for submission to the forum and eventual inclusion in the MPI standard.