Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Checkpointing Strategies for Adjoint Computation on Hierarchical Platforms

The Adjoint Computation problem can be split in two phases: the forward phase where functions are successively evaluated on a particular input, and a backward phase computing the gradient descent. In the backward phase, the outputs of the forward phase are used* for the corresponding backward computation. On very large problems, all the forward outputs can not be kept in the memory at the same time, and one has to decide which output should be checkpointed and which output should be recomputed later on. The goal is to minimize the number of recomputation when reversing an Adjoint Computation Graph.

Griewank and Walther proved that, for a given number of available checkpoints with negligible writing and reading costs, the schedule that minimizes the amount of recomputation uses a binomial checkpointing strategy. We have designed an optimal algorithm to tackle the more general problem where we don't have only one level of memory with negligible access cost, but a hierarchical storage architecture. Each level of memory has its own size, writing and reading cost. The problem becomes more complex, since, not only we have to decide if an output should be checkpointed, be we have to decide in which level of the memory it should be kept. A trade-off must be found between the cost of memory accesses and that of recomputations.

We have designed an exact algorithm providing the optimal checkpointing strategy for a given Adjoint Computation Graph size and a description of the Hierarchical Platform; as well as heuristics. These algorithms can be found in the Software Disk-Revolve and a paper describing them is under writing process.