Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Scheduling for Neurosciences

In this project in collaboration with the Vanderbilt University, we are interested in scheduling stochastic jobs (originating from Neuroscience applications) on a reservation-based platform. Specifically, we consider jobs whose execution time follows a known probability distribution. The platform is reservation-based, meaning that the user has to request fixed-length time slots. The cost depends on both the request duration and the actual execution time of the job. A reservation strategy is a sequence of increasing-length reservations, which are paid for until one of them allows the job to successfully complete. The goal is to minimize the total expected cost of the strategy. We provide some properties of the optimal solution, which we characterize up to the length of the first reservation. We evaluate these heuristics using two different platform models and cost functions: The first one targets a cloud-oriented platform (e.g., Amazon AWS) using jobs that follow a large number of usual probability distributions (e.g., Uniform, Exponential, LogNormal, Weibull, Beta), and the second one is based on interpolating traces from a real neuroscience application executed on an HPC platform. [14], [27]