Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence : C. Roisin, Programmation C, 12h eq TD, L2, IUT2, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes
Licence : C. Roisin, Architecture des réseaux, 112h eq TD, L1, IUT2, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes
Licence : C. Roisin, Services réseaux, 22h eq TD, L2, IUT2, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes
Licence : C. Roisin, Introduction système Linux, 21h eq TD, L1, IUT2, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes
Licence : C. Roisin, Système et réseaux, 14h eq TD, L3, IUT2, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes
Licence : C. Roisin, Tutorat pédagogique de 4 apprentis, 20h eq TD, L3, IUT2, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes
Licence : C. Roisin, Suivi pédagogique de 20 étudiants (responsable de la Licence Professionnelle MI-ASSR), 13h eq TD, L1, IUT2, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes
Licence : N. Gesbert, ‘Logique pour l’informatique’, 45 h eq TD, L3, Grenoble INP
Licence : N. Gesbert, ‘Bases de la programmation impérative’, 30 h eq TD, L3, Grenoble INP
Master : N. Gesbert, academic tutorship of an apprentice, 10 h eq TD, M1, Grenoble INP
Master : N. Gesbert, ‘Fondements logiques pour l’informatique’, 16 h 30 eq TD, M1, Grenoble INP
Master : N. Gesbert, ‘Construction d’applications Web’, 21 h eq TD, M1, Grenoble INP
Master : N. Gesbert, ‘Analyse, conception et validation de logiciels’, 30 h eq TD, M1, Grenoble INP
N. Gesbert is responsible of the L3-level course ‘logique pour l’informatique’ (25 apprentices) and of the M1-level course ‘construction d’applications Web’ (72 students).
P. Genevès is responsible and teacher in the the M2-level course ‘Semantic Web: from XML to OWL’ of the MOSIG program at UGA (36h)
P. Genevès is responsible and teacher in the the M2-level course ‘Accès à l'information: du web des données au web sémantique’ of the ENSIMAG ISI 3A program at Grenoble-INP (30h)
PhD: Louis Jachiet, On the foundations for the compilation of web data queries: optimization and distributed evaluation of SPARQL, University Grenoble Alpes. PhD Thesis defended on September 15th, 2018. Co-supervised by Nabil Layaïda and Pierre Genevès.
PhD in progress: Muideen Lawal, Cost models for optimizing compilers based on mu-terms, PhD started in October 2017, supervised by Pierre Genevès.
PhD in progress: Raouf Kerkouche, Privacy-preserving predictive analytics with big prescription data, PhD started in October 2017, co-supervised by Pierre Genevès and Claude Castelluccia.
PhD in progress: Fateh Boulmaiz, Distributed representations of large-scale graphs, PhD started in November 2017, co-supervised by Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda.
PhD in progress: Sarah Chlyah, Algebraic foundations for the synthesis of optimized distributed code, PhD started in March 2018, supervised by Pierre Genevès.
PhD in progress: Amela Fejza, On the extended algebraic representations for analytical workloads, PhD started in October 2018, supervised by Pierre Genevès.