Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Victor Vianu, Professor at UC San Diego and holder of an Inria international chair, spent 3 months within Valda, employed as an ENS invited professor.

Visits to International Teams

Research Stays Abroad
  • Michaël Thomazo and Pierre Senellart have spent respectively two weeks and one week at TU Dresden, collaborating with Markus Krötzsch and Sebastian Rudolph.

  • Pierre Senellart has spent a cumulated time of around three weeks at National University of Singapore, co-advising Debabrota Basu, PhD student working under the co-supervision of Stéphane Bressan, visiting Stéphane Bressan and other researchers at NUS, and participating in the French–Singapore workshop on AI, where Olivier Cappé represented CNRS.