Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Member of the Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
E. Blayo: reviewer for Ocean Modelling, Journal of Scientific Computing
F. Lemarié reviewed papers for Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. , Ocean Model. and J. Adv. Mod. Earth Sys.
Invited Talks
E. Blayo: Journées Tarantola : défis en géosciences, Paris, juin 2019
E. Blayo: Workshop Modélisation océan-atmosphère, Rennes, septembre 2019
F.-X. Le Dimet: The Mathematics of Climate and the Environment, IHP Paris 2019, Nov. 12-15
F. Lemarié has given an invited talk at the Banff International Research Station during the Physics-Dynamics Coupling in Earth System Models workshop [21]
Leadership within the Scientific Community
L. Debreu is the chair of the CNRS-INSU research program LEFE-MANU on mathematical and numerical methods for ocean and atmosphere since April 2018.
L. Debreu is the coordinator of the national group COMODO (Numerical Models in Oceanography).
L. Debreu is a member of the steering committee of the CROCO ocean model
Scientific Expertise
E. Blayo was the head of the HCERES evaluation committee for the Maison de la Simulation (Jan. 2019)
F. Lemarié is a member of the CROCO ( scientific committee in charge of the « numerical methods » topic.
F. Lemarié is a member of the NEMO ( Developers Committee as external expert.
Research Administration
L. Debreu is a member of the scientific evaluation committee of the French Research Institute for Development (IRD).
E. Arnaud is in charge of the AMAC (Algorithmes, Modeles, Analyses, Calcul) department of the Jean Kuntzmann Lab.
C. Prieur is a member of the Scientific Council of the Mathematical Society of France (SMF).