Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • F. Lemarié is associate editor of the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • E. Blayo: reviewer for Ocean Modelling, Journal of Scientific Computing

  • F. Lemarié reviewed papers for Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. , Ocean Model. and J. Adv. Mod. Earth Sys.

Invited Talks

  • E. Blayo: Journées Tarantola : défis en géosciences, Paris, juin 2019

  • E. Blayo: Workshop Modélisation océan-atmosphère, Rennes, septembre 2019

  • F.-X. Le Dimet: The Mathematics of Climate and the Environment, IHP Paris 2019, Nov. 12-15

  • F. Lemarié has given an invited talk at the Banff International Research Station during the Physics-Dynamics Coupling in Earth System Models workshop [21]

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Scientific Expertise

  • E. Blayo was the head of the HCERES evaluation committee for the Maison de la Simulation (Jan. 2019)

  • F. Lemarié is a member of the CROCO (https://www.croco-ocean.org/) scientific committee in charge of the « numerical methods » topic.

  • F. Lemarié is a member of the NEMO (https://www.nemo-ocean.eu/) Developers Committee as external expert.

Research Administration

  • E. Blayo is a deputy director of the Jean Kuntzmann Lab.

  • L. Debreu is a member of the scientific evaluation committee of the French Research Institute for Development (IRD).

  • E. Arnaud is in charge of the AMAC (Algorithmes, Modeles, Analyses, Calcul) department of the Jean Kuntzmann Lab.

  • C. Prieur is a  member  of the Scientific Council   of  the Mathematical Society of France (SMF).

  • C. Prieur is a member of the Research Council of UGA.