Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

  • E.Kazantsev is a member of the Local Commission for Permanent Formation of Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes.


  • Ch. Kazantsev and E. Blayo are strongly involved in the creation and dissemination of pedagogic suitcases with mathematical activities designed for primary and secondary school (used by 10,000 – 12,000 pupils in 2018-2019). This is done in collaboration with the Rectorat de Grenoble.

  • E. Arnaud has animation of a "laboratoire des mathématiques", Pablo Neruda School, Saint Martin d'Hères

  • C. Kazantsev is a member of an IREM group for creation of scientific activities for professional development of secondary schools teachers.

  • C. Kazantsev is a member of an International Inter-IREM commission, which work on the multi-languages problem for children in the mathematical learning. Three meetings take place in Paris during the year, the first was on September 28.

  • C. Kazantsev participated to the collaboration program with the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Bamako, Mali. She spent ten days in Bamako to present the modelisation teaching and the purpose and activities of "La Grange des Maths" group. Bamako, ENSup, January, 13-25

  • C. Kazantsev participated to the "Colloque du cinquantenaire des IREM" with a presentation of the activities of "La Grange des Maths", Besançon, May, 9-11


  • National events:

    • Ch. Kazantsev and E. Blayo are strongly involved in the creation of "La Grange des maths", a science popularization center that will be located in Varces (south of Grenoble), which will offer a huge variety of mathematical hands-on exhibits. See http://www.la-grange-des-maths.fr/

    • Ch. Kazantsev participated at the "Culture and mathematical games Salon", Place St Sulpice, Paris, 23-26 May.

    • Ch. Kazantsev and E. Blayo participated in the "Fête de la Science", October, 12.

    • E. Arnaud. gave a presentation "(Se) tromper avec les chiffres" at the conference "Sciences et esprit critique, interroger les certitudes", Maison pour la sciences, Acadèmie de Grenoble, 8 nov. 2018, Grenoble.

  • Public exhibitions

    • C.Kazantsev participated in the "Oriel des Maths" and in the "Forum des associations" with the presentation of the "La Grange des Maths" center and its activities. Varces, March, 10.

    • C.Kazantsev participated at the "Remue-méninges festival" with the presentation of the "Maths à modeler" activities. Echirolles, April, 11.

    • C.Kazantsev participated to the "Sou des écoles", with the presentation of the "La Grange des Maths" activities. Varces, June, 15.

    • C.Kazantsev participated at the "Raout de Domène" with the presentation of mathematical animations. Domene, September, 1.

  • In educational institutions

    • E. Blayo gave several outreach talks, in particular for middle school and high school students, and for more general audiences.

    • C.Kazantsev presented mathematical animations to pupils of the Jean Mermoz scholl in Poisat for about 80 children during 3 hours. Poisat, May, 29.

    • E. Arnaud gave a talk "(Se) tromper avec les chiffres" for pupils of secondary schools on the 8th of March 2019 and the 2nd of May 2019.

Creation of media or tools for science outreach

  • C.Kazantsev participated in the edition of the Teachers notebooks which explain and advise how to use the "La Grange Suitcases" (sets of mathematical games, problems and animations) destined for primary and secondary schools teachers as well as for the general public.

  • C.Kazantsev participated in the creation of mathematical activities that can be autonomously used by schoolchildren of primary and secondary schools and by the general public.

  • E. Arnaud, in charge of the UGA Idex project math@uga : implementation of a collaborative moodle platform http://math.u-ga.fr to share pedagogical resources within teachers and towards students.

  • E. Arnaud, participation to UGA Idex projects Caseine and data@ugat