Section: New Results

Model reduction / multiscale algorithms

Parameter space dimension reduction and Model order reduction

Participants : Mohamed Reda El Amri, Arthur Macherey, Youssef Marzouk, Clémentine Prieur, Alessio Spantini, Ricardo Baptista, Daniele Bigoni, Olivier Zahm.

Numerical models describing the evolution of the system (ocean + atmosphere) contain a large number of parameters which are generally poorly known. The reliability of the numerical simulations strongly depends on the identification and calibration of these parameters from observed data. In this context, it seems important to understand the kinds of low-dimensional structure that may be present in geophysical models and to exploit this low-dimensional structure with appropriate algorithms. We focus in the team, on parameter space dimension reduction techniques, low-rank structures and transport maps techniques for probability measure approximation.

In [25], we proposed a framework for the greedy approximation of high-dimensional Bayesian inference problems, through the composition of multiple low-dimensional transport maps or flows. Our framework operates recursively on a sequence of “residual” distributions, given by pulling back the posterior through the previously computed transport maps. The action of each map is confined to a low-dimensional subspace that we identify by minimizing an error bound. At each step, our approach thus identifies (i) a relevant subspace of the residual distribution, and (ii) a low-dimensional transformation between a restriction of the residual onto this sub-space and a standard Gaussian. We prove weak convergence of the approach to the posterior distribution, and we demonstrate the algorithm on a range of challenging inference problems in differential equations and spatial statistics.

The paper [34] introduces a novel error estimator for the Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) approximation of parametrized equations. The estimator is intrinsically random: It builds on concentration inequalities of Gaussian maps and an adjoint problem with random right-hand side, which we approximate using the PGD. The effectivity of this randomized error estimator can be arbitrarily close to unity with high probability, allowing the estimation of the error with respect to any user-defined norm as well as the error in some quantity of interest. The performance of the error estimator is demonstrated and compared with some existing error estimators for the PGD for a parametrized time-harmonic elastodynamics problem and the parametrized equations of linear elasticity with a high-dimensional parameter space.

In the framework of Arthur Macherey’s PhD, we have also proposed in [26] algorithms for solving high-dimensional Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) that combine a probabilistic interpretation of PDEs, through Feynman-Kac representation, with sparse interpolation. Monte-Carlo methods and time-integration schemes are used to estimate pointwise evaluations of the solution of a PDE. We use a sequential control variates algorithm, where control variates are constructed based on successive approximations of the solution of the PDE. We are now interested in solving parametrized PDE with stochastic algorithms in the framework of potentially high dimensional parameter space. In [36], we consider gradient-based dimension reduction of vector-valued functions. Multivariate functions encountered in high-dimensional uncertainty quantification problems often vary most strongly along a few dominant directions in the input parameter space. In this work, we propose a gradient-based method for detecting these directions and using them to construct ridge approximations of such functions, in the case where the functions are vector-valued. The methodology consists of minimizing an upper bound on the approximation error, obtained by subspace Poincaré inequalities. We have provided a thorough mathematical analysis in the case where the parameter space is equipped with a Gaussian probability measure. We are now working on the nonlinear generalization of active subspaces. Reduced models are also developed In the framework of robust inversion. In [43], we have combined a new greedy algorithm for functional quantization with a Stepwise Uncertainty Reduction strategy to solve a robust inversion problem under functional uncertainties. An ongoing work aims at further reducing the number of simulations required to solve the same robust inversion problem, based on Gaussian process meta-modeling on the joint input space of deterministic control parameters and functional uncertain variable. These results are applied to automotive depollution. This research axis is conducted in the framework of the Chair OQUAIDO.