Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events: Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • BS organised with Annie Rialland and Catherine Schnedecker the 2019 “Journée de la Société de Linguistique de Paris”, dedicated this year to “Corpus, analyses quantitatives et modèles linguistiques” (January 2019)

  • DS was the co-chair of the SyntaxFest (Paris, 26-30 August 2019), a one-week event colocating a number of previously independent conferences and workshops on topics ranging from syntax to parsing and treebank development (including the UD workshop), as well as the co-chair of one of these conferences (Treebank and Linguistic Theories, TLT).

  • KG was the co-chair of the International Conference on Dependency Linguistics, Depling 2019, another event of the SyntaxFest.

Scientific Events: Selection

Member of the Conference Program/Scientific/Reviewing Committees
  • BS: Member of the Program, Scientific or Reviewing Committee of the following conferences and workshops: EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019, ACL 2019, NAACL 2019

  • LR: Member of the Program, Scientific or Reviewing Committee of the following conferences and workshops: CMLC 2019, eLex 2019, ISA-15, TOTh 2019, LDK 2019, DATeCH 2019, ElPub 2019

  • KG: Member of the Program, Scientific or Reviewing Committee of the following conferences and workshops: ACL 2019, SyntaxFest 2019 including Depling and Workshop on Universal Dependencies, Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realization, 2019, CoNLL 2019, EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019, International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG) 2019, LAW XIII 2019 (The 13th Linguistic Annotation Workshop), Rencontre des Jeunes Chercheurs en Parole


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • LR: Member of the scientific committe of the French speaking DH journal Humanités numériques

  • KG: Member of the scientific committe of the Journal of Linguistics

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • BS: Reviewer for Traitement Automatique des Langues, wékwos

  • AC: Reviewer for Digital Humanities 2020 - Intersections/Carrefours

Invited Talks

  • DS, invited talk, ”Faire face au syndrome du Jabberwocky: Analyses morpho-syntaxiques en environnement hostile”, at the Societé Linguistique de Paris (SLP) (Janvier 2019)

  • BS, “Représentation et exploitation des informations lexicales”, CENTAL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (April 2019)

  • BS, “Morphological complexities”, joint invited talk (with Géraldine Walther) at ACL 2019's SIGMORPHON workshop, Florence, Italy (July 2019) [15]

  • LR, “The TEI as a modeling infrastructure: TEI beyond the TEI realms”. Ringvorlesung Digital Humanities, Paderborn, Germany (July 2019).

  • LR, “Where is the place of scientific lexicography in science?”, Lorentz workshop: The Future of Academic Lexicography, Leiden, The Netherlands (Nov. 2019)

  • LR, “Digital transition of SSH”, LERU Information and Open Access (INFO) Policy Group meeting, Strasbourg, France (Dec. 2019)

  • EVdlC, “Acquisition de connaissances à partir de corpus analysés syntaxiquement” Seminar at Nokia Bell Labs, France (June 2019)

  • EVdlC, “Évolutions et pertinence des plongements lexicaux”, workshop on “Machine learning, données textuelles et recherche en sciences humaines et sociales”, ENS Lyon, France (Nov. 2019)

  • Benjamin Muller, “Transfer Learning on an unseen North African Arabic Dialect”, Bar Ilan University, Israel (24 Nov 2019)

  • Mohamed Khemakhem was invited to the “ELEXIS Observers” event to give a talk  (http://videolectures.net/elexisobserver2019_khemakhem_dictionaries/) about structuring historical dictionaries and the use of GROBID-Dictionaries, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria (February 2019)

  • KG, “Instant treebanks: Tools and methods to quickly build syntactically annotated corpora from scratch”, Workshop “Annotation of non-standard corpora (2019)”, University of Bamberg, Germany in September.


  • Mohamed Khemakhem chaired and tutored the GROBID-Dictionaries workshop series:

    • ELEXIS workshop - Berlin (March 2019)

    • Atelier de formation CollEx-Persée - Paris (September 2019)

  • Following the aforementioned `Symposium on Naija', a Master Class of one week was organised in June 2019 at the ARCIS institute of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, on “Crowd-sourcing Web Corpora of Nigerian Languages” taught by KG and Slavomír Čéplö (from the Austrian Academy of Sciences).

Leadership within the Scientific Community

An important aspect of ALMAnaCH's work relates to standardisation initiatives, especially within the ISO TC37 committee on language and terminology. Laurent Romary is the President of this committee and the convenor of its working group TC37/SC4 on lexical resources, within which he and a number of other ALMAnaCH members (Jack Bowers, Mohamed Khemakhem, Benoît Sagot, Éric de La Clergerie) have responsibilities (as project leaders or co-leaders). Most of them are related to the revision as a multi-part standard of ISO 24613 (Lexical Markup Framework, [14]), the first part of which was published in June 2019.

ALMAnaCH members have also played a key role in developing the Standardisation Survival Kit, an online tool hosted by Huma-num which focuses on giving researchers access to standards in a meaningful way by using research scenarios which cover all the domains of the Humanities, from literature to heritage science, including history, social sciences, linguistics, etc. We have published one publications on this topic in 2019 [64], following numerous ones over the last few years.

Other examples of ALMAnaCH's leadership within the scientific community are the following:

  • LR: Member of the ELEXIS Interoperability and Sustainability Committee (ISC) — ELEXIS is the European Lexicographic Infrastructure (https://elex.is)

  • EVdLC: Chairman of the ACL special interest group SIGPARSE (ended in 2019)

  • BS: Member, Deputy Treasurer and Member of the Board of the Société de Linguistique de Paris

  • DS: Board member of the French NLP society (Atala, 2017-2020), Vice-President of the Atala and program chair of the “journée d'études”.

  • DS: Member of the ACL's BIG (Broad Interest Group) Diversity group.

  • Mohamed Khemakhem: Member of the DARIAH Working Group “Bibliographical Data”

Scientific Expertise

LR is an advisor for scientific information to Inria's deputy CEO for Science.

Research Administration

BS is a member of Inria Paris's Scientific Committee (“Comité des Projets”) and of its Board (“Bureau du Comité des Projets”), and a member of the International Relations Working Group of Inria's Scientific and Technological Orientation Council (COST-GTRI)

BS is the Deputy Head (and former Head) of the research strand on Language Resources of the LabEx EFL (Empirical Foundations of Linguistics), and is therefore a deputy member of the Governing Board of the LabEx

LR is the President of the scientific committee of ABES (Agence Bibliographique de l'Enseignement Supérieur), and a Member of the Text Encoding Initiative board