New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

NURBSFIX: Repairing the topology of a NURBS model in view of its approximation. We have a research contract with the industrial partner GeometryFactory, in collaboration with the project-team Titane (Pierre Alliez). The post-doc of Xiao Xiao is funded by this research contract together with a PEPS from the labex AMIES.

Because of their flexibility and accuracy, NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline) models have become a standard in the modeling community for generating and representing complex shapes. They are made of several surface patches and a collection of curves that are used for trimming. As a direct consequence of software quirks, designer errors, and representation flaws, these NURBS models have inconsistencies that introduce small gaps and overlaps between surface patches. They are mainly located on the singularity graph of a NURBS model, near the trimming curves, especially near singularities such as sharp edges or corners. Building a correct approximation of a NURBS model in the presence of inconsistencies is a challenging problem. Most of the current approaches are based on the repairing of the geometry of the surface patches. This requires an interactive process which is difficult to control and rarely completely successful. In this project, we develop another approach which consists in repairing the topology of the singularity graph within a tolerance volume. This tolerance volume will be considered as a protected region that will not receive any query of geometric computations. Based on that, three types of approximations will be treated: triangular isotropic surface meshing of NURBS models, volume approximation of multi-domains delimited by NURBS surfaces, and NURBS models approximation within a given tolerance volume.