Section: New Results

Stochastic modelling

Participants: A. Gégout-Petit, S. Mézières, P. Vallois

In the framework of the esca-illness of vines, we developed different spatial models and spatio-temporal models for different purposes: (1) study the distribution and the dynamics of esca vines in order to tackle the aggregation and the potential spread of the illness (2) propose a spatio-temporal model in order to capture the dynamics of cases and measure the effects of environmental covariates. For purpose (2), we developed an autologistic model (centered in a new way), have proposed estimators of the parameters and showed their properties and proposed a way to choose between several neighborhood models. These results were published in Spatial Statistics [4].

In a collaboration with physicists from Nancy CHRU, we have worked about the interest to use the whole distribution of telomeres lengths until the mean that is usually used to characterise ageing of a cell. We have shown that the shape of the distribution can be seen as a individuals's signature. It is the object of the paper published in Scientific Reports [8].

After preliminary suggestions on the building of models for low-grade gliomas [3], we focused our attention on the diffuse character of such tumors. We characterized the infiltrating phenotype (infiltration rate, direction of infiltration, evolution of morphology over time) as a new variable to consider in a context of multifactorial modelling (submitted article). A monocentric retrospective study has been conducted on the local database, estimating survival paramaters and comparing the effects of treatments (writing article). A brain cartography obtained by sensorial simulations during awake surgery with the aid of clustering analysis has been published in “Brain - A Journal of Neurology” [6].