Section: New Results

Quantum control: new results

Let us list here our new results in quantum control theory.

  • In [29], we discuss the compatibility between the rotating-wave and the adiabatic approximations for controlled quantum systems. Although the paper focuses on applications to two-level quantum systems, the main results apply in higher dimension. Under some suitable hypotheses on the time scales, the two approximations can be combined. As a natural consequence of this, it is possible to design control laws achieving transitions of states between two energy levels of the Hamiltonian that are robust with respect to inhomogeneities of the amplitude of the control input.

  • In [34] we study one-parametric perturbations of finite dimensional real Hamiltonians depending on two controls, and we show that generically in the space of Hamiltonians, conical intersections of eigenvalues can degenerate into semi-conical intersections of eigenvalues. Then, through the use of normal forms, we study the problem of ensemble controllability between the eigenstates of a generic Hamiltonian.

  • In [35] we discuss which controllability properties of classical Hamiltonian systems are preserved after quantization. We discuss some necessary and some sufficient conditions for small-time controllability of classical systems and quantum systems using the WKB method. In particular, we investigate the conjecture that if the classical system is not small-time controllable, then the corresponding quantum system is not small-time controllable either.

  • In [40] we study the controllability problem for a symmetric-top molecule, both for its classical and quantum rotational dynamics. As controlled fields we consider three orthogonally polarized electric fields which interact with the electric dipole of the molecule. We characterize the controllability in terms of the dipole position: when it lies along the symmetry axis of the molecule nor the classical neither the quantum dynamics are controllable, due to the presence of a conserved quantity, the third component of the total angular momentum; when it lies in the orthogonal plane to the symmetry axis, a quantum symmetry arises, due to the superposition of symmetric states, which as no classical counterpart. If the dipole is neither along the symmetry axis nor orthogonal to it, controllability for the classical dynamics and approximate controllability for the quantum dynamics is proved to hold.

We would also like to mention the defense of the PhD thesis of Nicolas Augier (not yet on TEL) on the subject.