Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR SRGI, for Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Interactions, coordinated by Emmanuel Trélat, started in 2015 and runs until 2020. Other partners: Toulon University and Grenoble University. SRGI deals with sub-Riemannian geometry, hypoelliptic diffusion and geometric control.
ANR Finite4SoS, for Commande et estimation en temps fini pour les Systèmes de Systèmes, coordinated by Wilfrid Perruquetti, started in 2015 and run up to this year. Other partners: Inria Lille, CAOR - ARMINES. Finite4SoS aims at developing a new promising framework to address control and estimation issues of Systems of Systems subject to model diversity, while achieving robustness as well as severe time response constraints.
ANR QUACO, for QUAntum COntrol: PDE systems and MRI applications, coordinated by Thomas Chambrion, started in 2017 and runs until 2021. Other partners: Lorraine University. QUACO aims at contributing to quantum control theory in two directions: improving the comprehension of the dynamical properties of controlled quantum systems in infinite-dimensional state spaces, and improve the efficiency of control algorithms for MRI.