CAMUS - 2019
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Software and Platforms


Code Generator in the Polyhedral Model

Keywords: Polyhedral compilation - Optimizing compiler - Code generator

Functional Description: CLooG is a free software and library to generate code (or an abstract syntax tree of a code) for scanning Z-polyhedra. That is, it finds a code (e.g. in C, FORTRAN...) that reaches each integral point of one or more parameterized polyhedra. CLooG has been originally written to solve the code generation problem for optimizing compilers based on the polyhedral model. Nevertheless it is used now in various area e.g. to build control automata for high-level synthesis or to find the best polynomial approximation of a function. CLooG may help in any situation where scanning polyhedra matters. While the user has full control on generated code quality, CLooG is designed to avoid control overhead and to produce a very effective code. CLooG is widely used (including by GCC and LLVM compilers), disseminated (it is installed by default by the main Linux distributions) and considered as the state of the art in polyhedral code generation.

Release Functional Description: It mostly solves building and offers a better OpenScop support.