Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives with Industry

ANBLIC: Analysis in Blind Clouds

  • Program: FUI

  • Duration: January 2018 – December 2020

  • Coordinator: Wallix

  • Partners: UPEC, CEA, Atos, SOGETI, CoeSSI

  • Local coordinator: David Pointcheval

  • The main goal is to industrialize for the first time several privacy enhancing technologies that are on the edge of theory and practice.

    Fully Homomorphic Encryption let cloud providers compute arbitrary functions on their client’s encrypted data, ensuring at the same time full privacy and functionality. Functional Encryption is a refinement of classical encryption, which allows data owners to delegate fine-grained access to their data. Thus it is possible to enable the computation of aggregated statistics over your personal data, while cryptographically ensuring its confidentiality.

    However both these technologies still suffer from prohibitive inefficiencies for business applications. ANBLIC’s academic partners will create new cryptographic schemes and performance models, tailored for industrial use cases, and create the first real-life scenario of encrypted queries on encrypted data and on open data.

RISQ: Regroupement de l’Industrie française pour la Sécurité Post-Quantique

  • Program: GDN

  • Duration: February 2017 – September 2020

  • Coordinator: Secure-IC

  • Partners: ANSSI, AIRBUS, C-S, CEA LIST, CryptoExperts, Inria/ENS/CASCADE, GEMALTO, Inria POLSYS, Inria AriC, IRISA, Orange Labs, THALES, UVSQ, PCQC

  • Local coordinator: Michel Abdalla and Phong Nguyen since September 2019

  • The main goal of RISQ is to help the French Industry and Academia become a significant international player in the transition to post-quantum cryptography.