CASH - 2019
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence:

    • Christophe Alias, Compilation, CM+TD, 27h, 3A, INSA Centre Val de Loire.

    • Laure Gonnord, Algorithmic, C++ Programming, TD+TP, 42h, L2, UCBL

    • Laure Gonnord, Operating Systems, TD+TP, 26h, L2, UCBL

    • Matthieu Moy, Concurrent Programming, CM+TD+TP, 57h, L3, UCBL.

    • Matthieu Moy, Recursive Programming, TD+TP, 48h, L1, UCBL.

    • Matthieu Moy, Git, CM+TP: 12h, L3, UCBL.

    • Amaury Maillé, Concurrent Programming, 8h TD, 14 h 30 TP, L3, UCBL.

    • Paul Iannetta, ACM, TD, 32h, L3, ENS de Lyon.

    • Paul Iannetta, Projet 1, TD, 36h, L3, ENS de Lyon.

    • Paul Iannetta, Colloquium L3, TD, 2h, L3, ENS de Lyon

    • Paul Iannetta, Jury de stage, TD, 4h, L3, ENS de Lyon

    • Julien Braine, ASR, TP et TD, 32h, L3, ENS de Lyon.

  • Master:

    • Christophe Alias, Compiler optimizations for embedded applications, CM+TD, 27h, 4A, INSA Centre Val de Loire.

    • Laure Gonnord, Compilation and Program Analysis, CM, 10h, TP 8h, M1, ENS de Lyon.

    • Laure Gonnord, Compilation and program transformations, CM+TD+TP, 35h, M1, UCBL.

    • Laure Gonnord, Real Time Systems, CM+TD+TP, 30h, M1, UCBL.

    • Laure Gonnord, Distributed Systems, TD 9h, M1, UCBL.

    • Laure Gonnord, Graphs, Complexity, Algorithmics, M1 MEEF (CAPES Maths, prepa), CM+TD+TP+oral training, 18h, UCBL.

    • Laure Gonnord, Algorithmics, Systems M1 MEEF (CAPES NSI, prepa), CM+TD, 15h, UCBL.

    • Laure Gonnord, Algorithmics, Architecture, Systems, DIU EIL, CM+TD+TP, 60h, UCBL.

    • Matthieu Moy, Software Engineering, CM+TD+TP, 25h, M1, UCBL.

    • Matthieu Moy, Compilation and Program Analysis, TP, 16h, M1, ENS de Lyon.

    • Matthieu Moy, Compilation and program transformations, TD+TP, 25h, M1, UCBL.

    • Ludovic Henrio, Compilation and Program Analysis, CM, 10h; TP, 6h, M1, ENS de Lyon.

    • Ludovic Henrio, Distributed Systems: an algorithmic approach, CM+TD, 3h, M2 Specialite IFI (Ingénierie et Fondements de l'Informatique), parcours CSSR, and UBINET, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis.

    • Amaury Maillé, Networks, 2h TD, M1, UCBL.

    • Paul Iannetta, Projet Intégré, TD, 14h, M1, ENS de Lyon.

    • Paul Iannetta, Jury de stage, TD, 4h, M1, ENS de Lyon

    • Julien Braine, APPD, TP et TD, 28h, M1, ENS de Lyon.


  • PhD in progress: Gabriel Busnot, “Accélération SystemC pour la co-simulation multi-physique et la simulation de modèles hétérogènes en complexité”, Univ. Lyon 1, started in october 2017, supervised by Matthieu Moy (LIP) and Tanguy Sassolas (CEA-LIST).

  • PhD: Tristan Delizy, “Dynamic Memory Management For Embedded Non-Volatile Memory”, INSA Lyon, started in October 2016, supervised by Guillaume Salagnac (CITI), Tanguy Risset (CITI), Kevin Marquet (CITI) and Matthieu Moy (LIP).

  • PhD in progress (from Sept. 2018): Paul Iannetta “Complex data structures scheduling for optimizing compilers”, supervised by Lionel Morel (CITI/CEA) and Laure Gonnord (LIP).

  • PhD in progress (from Sept. 2018): Julien Braine “Horn Clauses as an Efficient Intermediate Representation for Data Structure Verification”, supervised by David Monniaux (CNRS/Verimag) and Laure Gonnord (LIP).

  • PhD in progress: Pierre Leca, “Distributed BSP: Active Objects for BSPlib programs”, CIFRE Huawei/UNS, started in August 2017, supervised by Gaëtan Hains (Huawei), Wijnand Suijlen (Huawei), Françoise Baude (UNS./I3S), Ludovic Henrio (LIP).

  • PhD in progress: Amaury Maillé, “Programming model to assemble compute kernels safely and efficiently: Future- based synchronization for arrays and matrices”, ENS Lyon, supervised by Matthieu Moy and Ludovic Henrio. Started in October 2019, supervised by Gaëtan Hains (Huawei), Wijnand Suijlen (Huawei), Françoise Baude (UNS./I3S), Ludovic Henrio (LIP).


  • Laure Gonnord was external jury member for the PhD of Yohan Uguen, “High-level synthesis and arithmetic optimizations” (INSA de Lyon).

  • Ludovic Henrio was part of the reading commitee of Keyvan Azadbakht (Universiteit Leiden).

  • Christophe Alias was a reviewer and member of the PhD committee of Hang YU (Université Grenoble-Alpes).

  • Christophe Alias was correcteur and jury member for concours d'admission X/ENS.

  • Laure Gonnord was jury member for the Concours d'admission de l'Agrégation de Sciences Industrielles, spécialité Informatique Industrielle, in June 2019.

  • Matthieu Moy was reviewer for the Ph.D of Hamza Deroui, “Étude et implantation d'algorithmes pour l'ordonnancement d'applications dataflow” (INSA Rennes).