Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


I. Manolescu is a part-time (50%) professor at Ecole Polytechnique, where she teaches:

  • Master: I. Manolescu, “Database Management Systems”, 52h, M1, École Polytechnique.

  • Licence: I. Manolescu, “Giant Global Graph”, 18h, L3, École Polytechnique.

She also teaches on appointment outside of Ecole Polytechnique:

  • Master: I. Manolescu, “Architectures for Massive Data Management”, 20h, M2, Université Paris-Saclay.

M. Buron and P. Guzewicz are Teaching Assistants at Ecole Polytechnique. Further, P. Guzewicz also taught 12h of lab in the M2 course “Architectures for Massive Data Management” mentioned above.


  • PhD in progress: Maxime Buron: "Raisonnement efficace sur des grands graphes hétérogènes", since October 2017, François Goasdoué, Ioana Manolescu and Marie-Laure Mugnier (GraphIK Inria team in Montpellier)

  • PhD: Tien-Duc Cao, "Toward Automatic Fact-Checking of Statistic Claims", Université de Paris Saclay, 26/09/2019, Ioana Manolescu and Xavier Tannier (LIMICS, Université de Paris-Sorbonne).

  • PhD in progress: Ludivine Duroyon: “Data management models, algorithms & tools for fact-checking", since October 2017, François Goasdoué and Ioana Manolescu (Ludivine is in the Shaman team of U. Rennes 1 and IRISA, in Lannion)

  • PhD in progress: Paweł Guzewicz: “Expressive and efficient analytics for RDF graphs”, since October 2018, Yanlei Diao and Ioana Manolescu.

  • PhD in progress: Qi Fan: “Multi-Objective Optimization for Data Analytics in the Cloud”, since December 2019, Yanlei Diao.

  • PhD in progress: Enhui Huang: “Interactive Data Exploration at Scale”, since October 2016, Yanlei Diao and Anna Liu (U. Massachussets at Amherst, USA).

  • PhD in progress: Vincent Jacob: “Explainable Anomaly Detection in High-Volume Stream Analytics”, since December 2019, Yanlei Diao.

  • PhD in progress: Luciano di Palma, “New sampling algorithms and optimizations for interactive exploration in Big Data", since October 2017, Yanlei Diao and Anna Liu (U. Massachussets at Amherst, USA)

  • PhD in progress: Khaled Zaouk: “Performance Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization for Data Analytics in the Cloud", since October 2017, Yanlei Diao.


  • I. Manolescu has been part of the PhD committee of Adnène Belfodil, who defended his PhD thesis titled “Exceptional Model Mining for Behavioral Data Analysis” at INSA Lyon, on October 24, 2019.