Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Organisation
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Frédéric Besson: PriSC 2019 Workshop on Principles of Secure Compilation
Sandrine Blazy: POPL 2020 (Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages), APLAS 2019 (Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems), ITP 2019 (Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving), SpiSA 2019 (Workshop on Instruction Set Architecture Specification).
Thomas Jensen: SAS 2019 (Static Analysis Symposium), ENTROPY 2019 (Enabling Trust through OS proofs).
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Frédéric Besson: Journal of Computer Security (JCS), Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)
Alan Schmitt: Theoretical Informatics and Applications (RAIRO ITA)
Invited Talks
Frédéric Besson: GT Sécurité des Systèmes, des Logiciels et des Réseaux
Sandrine Blazy: The Verasco static analyzer, Effective Verification: Static Analysis Meets Program Logics, Lorentz center, Netherlands, May. 2019
Sandrine Blazy: Formal Verification of a Constant-Time Preserving C Compiler, Verified software workshop, Newton institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Sept. 2019
Alan Schmitt: Sémantiques Formelles et Certifiées, 30 ans des JFLA
Alan Schmitt: Formal JavaScript, Journées Nationales du GDR GPL
Alan Schmitt: Skeletal Semantics, GT Langages, Types et Preuves
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Sandrine Blazy is member of Section 6 of the national committee for scientific research CoNRS.
Sandrine Blazy is member of IFIP WG 2.11 on program generation and of IFIP WG 1.9/2.15 on verified software.
Scientific Expertise
Sandrine Blazy evaluated two Belgian FWO Grant research proposals.
Sandrine Blazy is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Flemish Cybersecurity Initiative Flanders Program.
Sandrine Blazy and David Pichardie were members of the HCERES evaluation committee of the LSV laboratory.
Thomas Jensen was member of the HCERES evaluation committee of the University Grenoble–Alpes LIG laboratory.
Thomas Jensen was vice-president of the ANR 2019 selection committee for research proposals in Computing and Communication (CES 25).