Section: New Software and Platforms
To detect intrusion using information flows
Keywords: Cybersecurity - Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) - Data Leakage Protection
Scientific Description: Blare implements our approach of illegal information flow detection for a single node (Android and Linux kernel, JVM) and a set of nodes (monitoring of flows between linux machines).
Functional Description: Blare IDS is a set of tools that implements our approach to illegal information flow detection for a single node and a set of nodes.
News Of The Year: During this year, Laurent Georget has modified the implementation of Blare in order to correctly monitor the kernel system calls with LSM hooks. He add also ported this new version of Blare to the Lollipop Android emulator.
Publications: Information Flow Tracking for Linux Handling Concurrent System Calls and Shared Memory - Verifying the Reliability of Operating System-Level Information Flow Control Systems in Linux - Monitoring both OS and program level information flows to detect intrusions against network servers - Experimenting a Policy-Based HIDS Based on an Information Flow Control Model - Introducing reference flow control for intrusion detection at the OS level - Blare Tools: A Policy-Based Intrusion Detection System Automatically Set by the Security Policy - Diagnosing intrusions in Android operating system using system flow graph - Intrusion detection in distributed systems, an approach based on taint marking - BSPL: A Language to Specify and Compose Fine-grained Information Flow Policies - Information Flow Policies vs Malware - A taint marking approach to confidentiality violation detection - Designing information flow policies for Android's operating system - Information Flow Control for Intrusion Detection derived from MAC Policy - Flow based interpretation of access control: Detection of illegal information flows - A taint marking approach to confidentiality violation detection