Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
Project title: Leakage of Sensitive Training Data from Deep Neural Networks
Coordinators: Catuscia Palamidessi, Inria Saclay, EPI Comète and Pablo Piantanida, Centrale Supèlec
Other PI's and partner institutions: Georg Pichler, TU Wien, Austria
Abstract: The overall project goal is to develop a fundamental understanding with experimental validation of the information-leakage of training data from deep learning systems. More specifically, we aim at:
Developing a compelling case study based on state-of-the-art algorithms to perform model inversion attacks, showcasing the feasibility of uncovering specified sensitive information from a trained software (model) on real data.
Quantifying information leakage. Based on the uncovered attacks, the amount of sensitive information present in trained software will be measured or quantified. The resulting measure of leakage will serve as a basis for the analysis of attacks and for the development of robust mitigation techniques.
Mitigating information leakage. Strategies will be explored to avoid the uncovered attacks and minimize the potential information leakage of a trained model.