Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: Bruno Tuffin, MEPS (probablility, queuing systems, simulation) , 35 hours, M1, University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master: Bruno Tuffin, GTA (Game Theory and Applications), 15 hours, M2, University of Rennes 1, France

  • MOOC on Queuing Theory, available on EdX: Patrick Maillé (in charge of one week of class)

  • IMT Atlantique 1st year: Yann Busnel, Wireless Autonomous Robot Swarm, 9 hours.

  • IMT Atlantique 3rd year: Yann Busnel, Big Data and Stream Processing, 9 hours.

  • Licence: Bruno Sericola, Mathematics, 14h, L2, IUT/University of Rennes 1, France.

  • Master: Bruno Sericola, Mathematics, 12h, M2, Istic/University of Rennes 1, France.

  • Master: Bruno Sericola, Logistic and performance, 12h, M2, Faculté de sciences économiques, Univ of Rennes 1, France

  • Master: Bruno Sericola, MEPS (performance evaluation), 36h, M1, Univ Rennes, France

  • Master M1: César Viho, Networks:Rennes 1 from Services to protocols, 36 hours, Istic/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master M2: César Viho, Algorithms on graphs, 40 hours, Istic/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Bachelor L2: César Viho, Network architecture and components, 16 hours, Istic/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master, 2nd year: Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, Scalable Network Infrastructure (SNI), 10 hours, The Research in Computer Science (SIF) master and EIT Digital Master/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master, pro 2nd year: Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, Multimedia streaming over IP (MMR), 48 hours, Esir/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master, pro 2nd year: Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, Multimedia services in IP networks (RSM), 29 hours, Esir/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master, pro 2nd year: Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, Software Defined Networks, 6 hours, Istic/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master, 2nd year: Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, Video streaming over IP, 8 hours, Istic/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master: Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, Introduction to networking (IR), 26 hours, Esir/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master: Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, Mobile and wireless networking (RMOB), 20 hours, Esir/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master 2nd year: Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, Overview of IoT technologies: focus on LPWAN, 2 hours, INSA, France

  • Sofiene Jelassi is the manager of the master program “Heterogeneous Networks and Systems”, Istic/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master pro 2nd year: Sofiene Jelassi, Supervision of heterogeneous networks, 32 hours, Istic/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master pro 2nd year: Sofiene Jelassi, Cloud & SDN virtualization, 32 hours, Istic/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master pro 2nd year: Sofiene Jelassi, Multimedia networks, 32 hours, Istic/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Bachelor L1: Sofiene Jelassi, Programming Algorithms, 12 hours, SPM/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master, 2nd year: Gerardo Rubino, Scalable Network Infrastructure (SNI), 10 hours, The Research in Computer Science (SIF) master and EIT Digital Master/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Supelec Rennes 3rd year: Gerardo Rubino, Dependability Analysis, 15 hours.

  • Master 2nd year: Gerardo Rubino, Quality of Experience, 2×4 hours (two different groups of students), Esir/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Esir/University of Rennes 1, 1st year, Graph theory and algorithms, 20 hours.


  • PhD in progress: Ximun Castoreo, Measurements to check network neutrality, University of Rennes 1, Started 10/2018, supervised by Bruno Tuffin.

  • PhD in progress: Ayman Chouayakh, Auctions for spectrum allocations in 5G, CIFRE Thesis with Orange Labs/University of Rennes 1, Started 03/2017, supervised by Patrick Maillé.

  • PhD in progress: Hiba Dakdouk, Multi-player multi-armed bandit problems and applications in IoT, CIFRE Thesis with Orange Labs/University of Rennes 1, Started 01/2019, supervised by Patrick Maillé.

  • PhD in progress: Vasile Cazacu, “Calcul distribué pour la fouille de données cliniques”, IMT Atlantique. Advisors: E. Anceaume (CNRS Rennes), Y. Busnel and M. Cuggia (PUPH, CHU Rennes). Defense in 2020.

  • PhD in progress: Jérôme Henry, “Indoor localization using the most recent standards of 802.11”, IMT Atlantique. Advisors: N. Montavont (IMT Atlantique), Romaric Ludinard (IMT Atlantique), Y. Busnel (IMT Atlantique). Defense in 2021.

  • PhD in progress: Anouar Rkhami, “Data analytics for optimized resources' management in future 5G networks”; started on Oct. 2018; Advisors: Gerardo Rubino and Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, and Abdelkader Outtagarts, Inria – Nokia Bell labs.

  • PhD in progress: Imane Taibi, “Big data analysis for network monitoring and troubleshooting”; started on Nov. 2017; Advisors: Gerardo Rubino, Chadi Barakat and Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, Inria.

  • PhD in progress: Ali Hodroj, Enhancing content delivery to multi-homed users in broadband mobile networks, started in November 2015; supervisors: Bruno Sericola, Marc Ibrahim and Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, University Rennes 1 and St Joseph University of Beyrouth.

  • PhD in progress: Mohamed Rahali, “Machine learning-based monitoring and management for hybride SDN networks”; started on Oct. 2017; Advisors: Gerardo Rubino, Inria, and Jean-Michel Sanner, B-COM.

  • Post-doc in progress: Noël Gillet, “Analyse de flux de données large-échelle pour les données massives en santé”, IMT Atlantique. Advisor: Y. Busnel. October 2018-September 2019.

  • Post-doc in progress: Frédérique Robin, Modelling the dynamic behaviour of blockchains and analyzing their performance, Inria Rennes. Supervisors: Bruno Sericola and Emmanuelle Anceaume from team Cidre.

  • PhD: Corentin Hardy, Contribution to the development of deep learning in distributed systems, Defense in April 2019. Supervisors: Bruno Sericola and Erwan Le Merrer from Technicolor.

  • PhD: Jean-Michel Sanner; Cifre Grant, Orange Labs, “SDN technologies for network services performances adaptation of carriers networks”, Defense in July 2019. Supervisors: Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul and Gerardo Rubino.

  • PhD: Hamza Ben Ammar, “Network and cache resources optimization for efficient media content delivery in CCN”, Defense in March 2019; advisors: Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, Gerardo Rubino and Soraya Ait Chellouche, University Rennes 1 [12].

  • PhD: Laura Aspirot, “Fluid Approximations for Stochastic Telecommunication Models”, University of the Republic, Uruguay. Advisors: E. Mordecki (Uruguay) and G. Rubino (France). Defended on November 21, 2019, [11].

  • PhD: Jorge Graneri, “Semantic cognition - A mathematical approximation.”, University of the Republic, Uruguay. Advisors: E. Mizraji (Uruguay) and G. Rubino (France). Defended on November 22, 2019, [13].

  • PhD in progress: Illyyne Saffar, “Personalization for Cognitive Autonomic Networks in 5G”; started on Feb. 2017; Advisors: César Viho (Université Rennes 1) and Kamal Deep-Singh (UJM Saint-Etienne) and Marie Line Alberi-Morel (Nokia Bell labs), Université Rennes 1 and Nokia Bell labs. Defense in June 2020.


  • Gerardo Rubino was one of the reviewers of the PhD of Fetia Bannour, Software Defined Networking: Extending SDN control to large-scale networks, University of Paris-East, Paris, Nov. 19, 2019.

  • Bruno Tuffin was rapporteur for the PhD of Wael Labidi, Smart grid-aware radio engineering in 5G mobile networks. Université de Paris-Saclay, Télécom SudParis, March 2019.

  • Patrick Maillé was a member of the PhD jury of Lilian Besson, Multi-Players Bandit Algorithms for Internet of Things Networks, Supelec Rennes, November 2019

  • Yann Busnel was rapporteur of the PhD defense committee of Abderrahmen Kammoun, Université Jean Monnet, Saint- Etienne, July 2019.

  • Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul was a member of the PhD jury of Ghada Moualla, Resilient Virtualized Network Functions for Data Centers and Decentralized Environments, Côte d'Azur University, September 2019

  • Bruno Sericola was member of the final selecting board for the recruitment of CNRS researchers in 2019.

  • César Viho was President of the HDR jury of Geraldine Texier, Vers un Internet programmable offrant des garanties de qualité de service, IMT-Atlantique Rennes, December 2019.