Section: New Results

Weierstrass approach to asymptotic behavior of retarded differential equations

Participants : Jie Chen [City University of Hong Kong] , Liliana Felix [University of San Luis Potosi] , Alejandro Martinez-Gonzalez, Cesar F. Mendez-Barrios [University of San Luis Potosi] , Silviu Niculescu.

The work [22] focuses on the analysis of the behavior of characteristic roots of time-delay systems, when the delay is subject to small parameter variations. The analysis is performed by means of the Weierstrass polynomial. More specifically, such a polynomial is employed to study the stability behavior of the characteristic roots with respect to small variations on the delay parameter. Analytic and splitting properties of the Puiseux series expansions of critical roots are characterized by allowing a full description of the cases that can be encountered. Several numerical examples encountered in the control literature are considered to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.