Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Yves Le Traon, Professor at the University of Luxembourg, visited the team in June, July and October 2019.

  • Nelly Bencomo, Lecturer in Computer Science Aston University, UK, visited the team from October 2019 to June 2020.

  • Martin Montperrus, Professor at KTH, Sweden, visited the team in December 2019.

  • Nicolas Harrand, PhD Student at KTH, Sweden, visited the team in December 2019.

  • Paul Temple, postdoc at University de Namur, visited the team in February 2019.

  • Thomas Degueule, postdoc at CWI, visited the team in December 2019

  • Alfonso Pierantonio, Associate Professor at Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, visited the team in June 2019

  • Mark van den Brand, Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology, visited the team in June 2019

Visits to International Teams

  • Pierre JeanJean visited CWI for 1 week in December 2019 in the context of the Associated Team ALE.

  • Benoit Combemale made several short visits at CWI in the context of the Associated Team ALE, visited McGill University in June 2019, and visited TU Eindhoven in November 2019.

  • Olivier Barais made several short visits at KTH in the context of a collaboration with Prof Monperrus and Prof Baudry.

  • Djamel E. Khelladi made a one week research visit in December 2019 to the DIRO laboratory at University of Montreal, Canada.