Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
12th international conference Semantic Web and Tools for Healthcare and Life Sciences (SWAT4HCLS) [O. Dameron]
19th NETTAB-BBCC joint international conference [E. Becker, O. Dameron]
CSBio2019: The 10th International Conference on Computational Systems-Biology and Bioinformatics [A. Siegel]
WBC@ICML 2019, ICML 2019 Workshop on Computational Biology [A. Siegel]
CP'2019 25th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming [A. Siegel]
Journée IA et santé, organisée par l'AFIA (Assoc. Fr. pour l'Intelligence Artificielle) et l'AIM (Assoc. Fr. d'Informatique Médicale) [O. Dameron]
Jury member
Member of the Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Peer Community in Genomics
In addition to the traditional publishing activities, Dyliss has also been active in the alternative approach “Peer Community in” (PCI). It is is a non-profit community of researchers who review and recommend for free (we also do it for free with traditional journals and conferences anyway), unpublished preprints in their field (i.e. unpublished articles deposited on open online archives like and To a lesser extent, they may also recommend articles already published in journals.
Denis Tagu has been one of the creators of Peer Community in Genomics (PCI Genomics [More details]), which has been launched in October 2019. The scope of this PCI encompasses all aspects of genomics (structural genomics, functional genomics, epigenomics, evolutionary genomics, population genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics) dealing with every type of organisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, plants, animals,...) as well as metagenomes.
Invited Talks
Dusseldorf, Quantitative Theoretical Biology group, Heinrich Heine Universitat, february 2019 [C. Frioux]
IGNITE International Training Network Spring school [O. Dameron]
Colloque d'ouverture 50 ans du Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Roscoff, march 2019 [A. Siegel]
Department of Plant Science, University of Oxford, may 2019 [C. Frioux]
Network analysis to elucidate natural system dynamics, diversity and performance, CECAM Conference, Lyon, may 2019 [A. Siegel]
The 10th International Conference on Computational Systems-Biology and Bioinformatics (CSBio 2019) [N. Théret] Nice (France) December 4 to 7, 2019
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Member of the steering committee of the International Conference on Grammatical Inference [F. Coste]
Scientific Expertise
International expertise
Prospective working groups
"Big & Open Data en recherche à l’horizon 2040" foresight working group of PROSPER network [F. Coste]
National responsibilities
National scientific boards
Animation of the Systems Biology working group of national infrastructure GDR IM and GDR BIM [A. Siegel].
Board of directors of the French Society for biology of the extracellular matrix [N. Théret].
Local responsibilities
Delegate to research integrity at the University of Rennes 1 [N. Théret]
Head of the "Data and Knowledge Managment" Department (6 teams) of the IRISA lab [A. Siegel, since june 2019]
IRISA laboratory (computer science department of Univ. Rennes 1) council [A. Siegel, until june 2019]
Responsability of the IRISA laboratory "Health-biology" cross-cutting axis [O. Dameron, until June 2019] [More details]
Scientific committee of Univ. Rennes 1 school of medicine [O. Dameron, A. Siegel].
Emergency aid commission of Univ. Rennes 1 Rennes2 [C. Belleannée]
Research Administration
Inria Instances
Inria National evaluation board [A. Siegel, nominated member].
Equality and diversity Committee, Inria - Responsible of the working group focusing on recruitment procedures [A. Siegel].
Chargée de mission "bioinformatique" at INS2I-CNRS (Institute for Computer Science of CNRS) [A. Siegel, nominated member].