Section: Dissemination
"J'peux pas j'ai informatique", Welcoming of high-school students to leverage stereotypes about computer sciences (110 participants), Apr. 2019 [O. Dameron, A. Siegel]
"Elles codent Elles créent" Our Ph-D students have been involved in creative Python learning sessions for female students in two high-schools. [M. Louarn, M. Wéry, A. Siegel]
Operation DECLIC (Dialogues Entre Chercheurs et Lycéens pour les Intéresser à la Construction des Savoirs). Lycée Descartes, Rennes. Nov 2019 [More details] [N. Théret, M. Conan, P. Vignet, O. Dennler]
Internal action
Organization of the weekly seminar "Symbiose", involving teams DYLISS, GENSCALE and GENOUEST: [S. Blanquart]
Creation of media or tools for science outreach
Science en Cour[t]s ( Many of our current and former PhD students (M.Wéry, L. Bourneuf, A. Antoine-Lorquin, C. Bettembourg, J. Coquet, V. Delannée, G. Garet, S. Prigent) have been heavily involved in organization of a local Popularization Festival where PhD. students explain their thesis via short movies. The movies are presented to a professional jury composed of artists and scientists, and of high-school students. Previous years films can be viewed on the festival web-site [More details]