Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
MoDaL (Brittany and Pays de la Loire regions)
Participant : Olivier Dameron.
The MoDaL project is a federated project funded by BioGenOuest (Région Bretagne-Pays de la Loire) project involving scientists and engineers from IRISA/inria rennes (Genouest, Empenn, Dyliss) and the Institut du Thorax lab in Nantes. The project aims to decompartmentalize the resources dedicated to biomedical imaging and genetics. MoDaL focuses on i) establishing an inventory of the actors and infrastructures available at the inter-regional level, ii) proposing technological demonstrators that address the management, analysis and reuse of multi-infrastructure data (in-vivo, in-vitro and genomic imaging).
2019-2020. Total grant (hosted in the Empenn team): 100,000€.
PhenoMiR (European Maritime and Fisheries Fund)
Participant : Emmanuelle Becker.
The PhenoMiR project is a collaboration between Fishes Physiology and Genomics Laboratory (LPGP - INRAE), eight other laboratories of the INRAE, and the Dyliss team. Its objective is first (i) to settle the first complete repository of microRNAs for the trout, exploring different physiological and breeding conditions, and then (ii) to study the potentiality of some micro-RNAs to act as bio-markers of trout breeding and development condition. The Dyliss team is responsible for the design and development of the analysis pipeline of the genomics data, including the search of potential bio-markers.
2019-2022. Total grant: 495,000€. Dyliss grant: 33,000€.
Participant : Emmanuelle Becker.
The Ubiquitin project is a collaboration between G. Rabut's team at the Institute of Developmental Biology of Rennes and the Dyliss team. It was funded as a cross-disciplinary emerging project by the University of Rennes 1.
G. Rabut's team is developing a new method to detect weak affinity protein-protein interactions based on protein complemantation with Luciferase. However the method may generate a very noisy signal depending on the in-vivo concentration of the partners. In the Ubiquitin project, we developped a R workflow to separate the signal from the noise in the experiments. As an application, this allowed us to decipher the intricate interplay between E2 and E3 enzymes during ubiquitination process in Yeast. This work was done during a master 2 internship. We are now continuing the project in two directions : (i) comparing the interactions identified with previously known databases, using web semantic technologies and ontologies describing protein interaction detection methods, and (ii) using formal classification to understand the structural properties of E2 and E3 that lead to their interactions. 2019-2020. Total grant: 7,000€. Dyliss grant: 4,200€.
Ph.D. fundings from Université, Inria Rennes and Inserm
The team benefits from PhD. theses fundings by Univ. Rennes (L. Bourneuf, 2016-2019 – H. Talibart, 2017-2020 – N. Guillaudeux, 2018-2021), by Inria (A. Belcour, 2019-2022 – V. Kmetzsch, 2019–2022), by Inserm (M. Louarn, 2017-2020, Inria-Inserm PhD Grant program), and by our collaborators from IRSET (M. Conan, 2017-2020 – P. Vignet, 2018-2020, O. Dennler, 2019–2022).