Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects


NEMO, NEtwork MOtion https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/788851, https://project.inria.fr/ercnemo is an ERC Advanced Grant (2019 – 2024, PI François Baccelli). It is an inter-disciplinary proposal centered on network dynamics. The inter-disciplinarity spans from communication engineering to mathematics, with an innovative interplay between the two. NEMO's aim is to introduce dynamics in stochastic geometry. General mathematical tools combining stochastic geometry, random graph theory, and the theory of dynamical systems will be developed. NEMO will leverage interactions of Inria with Ecole Normale Supérieure on the mathematical side, and with Nokia Bell Labs and Orange on the engineering side. In March 2019, an inaugural workshop Processus ponctuels et graphes aléatoires unimodulaires https://project.inria.fr/ercnemo/fr/presentation was organized at Inria Paris.

Collaborations with Major European Organizations

  • Partner: VITO (Belgium); https://vito.be/en.

  • Co-advising of PhD student I. Shilov. Started: Nov 2019. Topic: “Algorithmic Games and Distributed Learning for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading”. PhD scholarship by VITO.