Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Abstract: SCOOP@F is a Cooperative ITS pilot deployment project that intends to connect approximately 3000 vehicles with 2000 kilometers of roads. It consists of 5 specific sites with different types of roads: Ile-de-France, "East Corridor" between Paris and Strasbourg, Brittany, Bordeaux and Isère. SCOOP@F is composed of SCOOP@F Part 1 from 2014 to 2015 and SCOOP@F Part 2 from 2016 to 2019. Its main objective is to improve the safety of road transport and of road operating staff during road works or maintenance. The project includes the validations of Cooperative ITS services in open roads, cross border tests with other EU Member States (Spain, Portugal and Austria) and development of a hybrid communication solution (3G-4G/ITS G5). We are involved in the project to study the security and privacy properties of the hybrid architecture that allow to use non dedicated communication networks (WiFi, 5G) as well as the vehicular dedicated communication technologies (G5). The second phase of SCOOP will end up in 2019. As a partner of the InDiD consortium, we proposed a follow up for this project to the EC for the period 2020-2023.
Partners: 20+ French partners including cities (Paris, Grenoble...), road operators, transport operators, academics ( incl. IMT Atlantique) and industrials
Abstract: InDiD is one of 13 French projects out of 148 European projects selected by the European Commission within the framework of the last Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) call for proposals. The project benefits from a co-funding rate of 50% on behalf of the European Union. It follows the Smart Cooperative Transport Systems projects SCOOP@F, C-ROADS France and InterCor. The project aims at expanding the coverage of use cases deployed in previous projects (emergency braking, accident, work...) and develop new use cases dealing with urban area, but also use cases of increased perception for autonomous vehicle. In addition, it deals with high definition digital mapping of the infrastructure. Connectivity along with mapping shape the digital infrastructure of tomorrow, an essential addition to the physical infrastructure. InDiD aims at continuing the deployment of Cooperatives Intelligent Transport Systems on new road experimentation sites in order to expand the services coverage offered by the infrastructure. Pilot sites are located on 4 main French geographic areas, on the Mediterranean side, in the south-west area, at the centre and in the north of France.
Abstract: Tagri is a 12 months innovation action supported by a CominLabs grant, started on 2019-11-01 and ending on October 2020. It follows up the previous Pervasive_RFID project, a joint Inria - IETR collaboration. Tagri aims at developing an operational UHF RFID solution for agricultural applications where tags are used as a pervasive storage to track important data related to the production. Tagri is using the RFID research facility from Pervasive_RFID project to study the behavior and performance level of UHF RFID in the context of agricultural applications, which is new as the the standard RFID technology used in farming is LF based: historically, LF was selected because it was reliable for bio-tags attached to animal, and the driver application for RFID in smart farming was breeding. A new research engineer, Alexis Girard, has integrated the team in November 2019 on this project.