Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
The E4SE team has been involved from the beginning with the City of Rennes in the design of the inOut event and its experts comitee. inOut is an innovative initiative at the service of new mobility solutions. After holding a first event in March 2018, inOut returned to Rennes in 2019 from 28 to 31 March and will happen again next years. The two-day [IN]door business event, followed by an [OUT]door event open to the general public for the entire weekend, gathers together mobility businesses and users to debate, test, and explore new mobility solutions. At the crossroads of digital technologies and mobilities, inOut seeks to bring out the best these two worlds have to offer by providing a space of discussion and debate, where topics and concepts are unpicked and decoded, and different ideas converge. In addition to the expert-focused [IN] part of the event which targets mobility professionals from all over the world, there is also an [OUT] section that invites the general public to take a weekend to explore and discover this topic of new mobilities. Field tests and experimentations are also conducted as part of inOut to support start-ups, businesses and manufacturers and to encourage them to explore what the future holds.
inOut is not only an event and we built in with experimentation at the heart of the innovation approach. It has a life beyond the event. It offers an ecosystem of new mobility solutions throughout the year. Experiments, demonstrations, hackathons, and academic challenges get students, researchers, start-ups, and users involved. The call for experiments encourages entrepreneurs and academics to create and test innovations all along the year. An inOut experimentation is conducted in an open-air laboratory: the city of Rennes places its streets and facilities at the disposal of start-ups and companies so that they can test the digital technologies of the city of tomorrow. It aims to provide a response to the need for innovation in communities, to upgrade and develop business sectors, to improve the appeal of the region (companies and universities) for companies and research projects.
Scientific Events: Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
IEEE Access, Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing, The Computer Journal, Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vehicular communications, Journal of sensors, JM. Bonnin
Invited Talks
Presentation of the EASE activity around Mobile Data collection in Smart City at South West Aboriginal Medical Service, JM Bonnin
Scientific Expertise
Member of the scientific council the Id4Car cluster, JM. Bonnin
Scientific advisor for an INRA team (Unité Expérimentale Ecologie et Ecotoxicologie Aquatiques) on fish tracking issues using LF RFID, P. Couderc
Co-head of "the pole Digital Society of the MSHB" (Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Bretagne), JM. Bonnin
Project evaluation for ANR, Belgium, Id4Car, Région Pays de la Loire, Région Grand Est, JM. Bonnin
Expert for CSV board of "Pôle Images et Réseaux", projects reviewing and selection, strategic roadmap definition, P. Couderc