Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

In 2019, ERABLE greeted the following International scientists:

  • In France: Alexandra Carvalho and Susana Vinga, Assistant and Associate professors resp., Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal; Helisson Faoro, researcher, Instituto Carlos Chagas, Fiocruz, Paraná, Brazil; Ariel Silber, professor, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil; Arnaldo Zaha, professor at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

  • In Italy: Travis Gaggie, Associate professor, Dalhousie University; Nicola Prezza, postdoc, University of Pisa; Elena Arseneva, Assistant professor, St Petersburg State University, Blerina Sinaimeri, Junior Researcher, Inria (see below); Marie-France Sagot, Senior researcher, Inria (see below).

  • In the Netherlands: Wiktor Zuba, PhD student, University of Warsaw; Lorraine Ayad, Lecturer, King's College London; Grigorios Loukides, Lecturer, King's College London; Martin Farach-Colton, Professor, Rutgers University; Grigorios Loukides, Lecturer, King's College London; Martin Dyer, Professor, University of Leeds.


In 2019, ERABLE in France greeted the following Internships:

  • Phablo Moura, postdoc, University of Campinas, Brazil.

  • Diego Pérez and Evelyn Sanchéz, PhD students of Elena Vidal, Universidad Mayor, Santiago, Chile.

In the Netherlands, ERABLE greeted the following Internships: Luca Denti, University Bicocca of Milano, Italy, from October 2018 to January 2019, Mick van Dijk, TU Delft, from May 2018 to January 2019, Giulia Barnardini, University Bicocca of Milano, Italy, from September 2018 to November 2019.

Visits to International Teams

Sabbatical programme

From July 2019 to June 2020, Blerina Sinaimeri was on Sabbatical at Luiss University to work with Giuseppe Italiano, member of Erable.

Research Stays Abroad

In 2019, Marie-France Sagot visited Luiss University for 11 days as Visiting Professor from LUISS University to work with Blerina Sinaimeri who is on Sabbatical at Luiss University from July 2019 to June 2020, and with Giuseppe Italiano, member of Erable. While there, M.-F. Sagot also worked with Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela from Sapienza University of Rome and from Erable.