Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Selection
Jocelyne Erhel is member of
the international advisory committee of the parallel CFD conferences (Antalya, May 2019).
the program committee of the workshop Visualization in Environmental Sciences 2019 (co-event of EuroVis).
the scientific Committee of the workshop "Parallel solution methods for systems arising from PDEs" (Marseille, September 2019).
the scientific Committee of the conference SimRace (IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, scheduled in December 2019 and postponed in 2020).
Member of the Editorial Boards
Jocelyne Erhel
Etienne Mémin
Associate editor for the Int. Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)
Associate editor for the Image and Vision Computing Journal (IVC)
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Jocelyne Erhel: Reviewer for the journals Computational Geosciences, SISC, M2AN, JCAM, PARCO
Dominique Heitz: Reviewer for Exp. in Fluids, AMI Région Auvergne Rhone Alpes
Etienne Mémin: Reviewer for Tellus-A, Quat. J. of the Roy. Met. Soc., Journ. of Fluid Mech., Im. Vis. Comp., Exp. in Fluids, Journ. of Comp. Phys.
Gilles Tissot: Reviewer for Journal of Sound and Vibration, Fluid Dynamics Research.
Invited Talks
Werner Bauer
European Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications Conference 2019, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.
Seminar talk at the Journée Rennes-Nantes d’Analyse 2019, University of Nantes, France.
Jocelyne Erhel
Workshop on "Reactive transport modeling", IPGP, Paris, June 2019.
Workshop on "Parallel Solution Methods for Systems Arising from PDEs", Marseille, France, September 2019.
Workshop on "Advances in the SImulation of reactive flow and TRAnsport in porous Media (SITRAM)",
Etienne Mémin
Workshop Big data, data assimilation, and uncertainty quantification, IHP, Paris (France), 12-15 November 2019
Workshop on stochastic parameterizations and their use in data assimilation 1-5 July 2019 Imperial College London
Workshop on Conservation Principles, Data & Uncertainty in Atmosphere-Ocean Modelling”, Potsdam, Germany April 2019
Leadership within the Scientific Community
J. Erhel is scientific coordinator of the website Interstices (since June 2012).
Scientific Expertise
Research Administration
Jocelyne Erhel
Dominique Heitz
Roger Lewandowski
Etienne Mémin