Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners
  • Imperial College, London (UK), Collaboration with Dan Crişan and Darryl Holm on Stochastic transport for the upper ocean dynamics

  • Chico California State University (USA), We have pursued our collaboration with the group of Shane Mayor on the GPU implementation of wavelet based motion estimator for Lidar data. This code is developped in coproperty between Inria and Chico.

International Initiatives

  • Title: MATHematical methods for GEOphysical flows

  • International Partners (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) - CIMA - Juan Ruiz

    • Universidad de la Republica Uruguay (Uruguay) - IMFIA, INCO

    • CMM (Chile) - Center for Mathematical Modeling - Axel Osses

    • Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (USIL) (Peru) - Faculty of Engineering Alejandro Paredes

  • Duration: 2018 - 2019

  • Start year: 2018 http://mathgeo.cima.fcen.uba.ar

  • Nonlinear processes, such as advection and turbulent mixing, play a central role in geophysical sciences. The theory of nonlinear dynamical systems provides a systematic way to study these phenomena. Its stochastic extension also forms the basis of modern data analysis techniques, predictability studies and data assimilation methods. Contributions in the field of Topology and Dynamics of Chaos include methods conceived to unveil the structure organizing flows in phase space, building the gap between data and l ow-dimensional modeling. Low-order models in climate dynamics are highly desirable, since they can provide solutions in cases where high-resolution numerical simulations cannot be implemented, as in short-term wind forecasting. At the same time, the procedure provides a tool-kit for model validation, emulation or inter-model comparison, with interesting prospects in all fields of oceanographic and atmospheric sciences, including climate detection and attribution. The strategy constitutes an unprecedented and promising perspective, offering an original approach to the subject, with mathematical concepts that are not necessarily widespread in the geophysics scientific community. This proposal gathers specialists with a know-how in the most challenging aspects of the focused research field: coherent structure detection in fluid flows for the exploration and interactive visualization of scientific data (LIMSI France), data assimilation and fluid motion analysis from image sequences (Inria Rennes), numerical models and data assimilation (CMM-Chile) stochastic models for climate dynamics with application to El Niño Ocean models (USIL-Peru), mathematical methods for weather and climate (CIMA-UBA & IMIT / IFAECI, Argentina), geophysical flows and dynamical systems (LMD France), mixing structures and Lagrangian analysis of multisatellite data (LOCEAN France), marine and estuarine hydrodynamic and water properties numerical models (INCO & IMFIA-Uruguay), in situ measurements of oceanographic conditions (CEBC France, in program with CNES France and CONAE Argentina), global modelling technique and topological characterization of flows (CORIA with CESBIO, France).