Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
L. Dupont is the secretary of Commission Pédagogique Nationale Carrières Sociales / Information-Communication / Métiers du Multimédia et de l'Internet (2017-2022).
L. Dupont: Head of the Bachelor diploma Licence Professionnelle Animation des Communautés et Réseaux Socionumériques, Université de Lorraine.
Master: Olivier Devillers, Modèles d'environnements, planification de trajectoires, 18h, M2 AVR, Université de Lorraine.
Master: Vincent Despré, Algorithmique, 48h, M1, Polytech Nancy, France.
Master: Vincent Despré, Programmation réseau, 60h, M1, Polytech Nancy, France.
Master: Vincent Despré, Architecture avancée, 20h, M1, Polytech Nancy, France.
Master: Vincent Despré, Architecture Java EE, 72h, M1, Polytech Nancy, France.
Licence: Charles Duménil, Algorithmique et programmation avancée, 10h, M2, FST, Université de Lorraine, France.
Licence: Charles Duménil, Décourverte de l'informatique, 88h, L1, Polytech Nancy, Université de Lorraine, France.
Licence: Charles Duménil, Logiciels scientifiques, 8h, L3, Polytech Nancy, Université de Lorraine, France.
Licence: Laurent Dupont, Web development, 35h, L2, Université de Lorraine, France.
Licence: Laurent Dupont, Web development, 150h, L2, Université de Lorraine, France.
Licence: Laurent Dupont Web development and Social networks 100h L3, Université de Lorraine, France.
Licence: Xavier Goaoc, Programmation, 20 HETD, L3, École des Mines de Nancy, France.
Master: Xavier Goaoc, Algorithms, 32 HETD, M1, École des Mines de Nancy, France.
Master: Xavier Goaoc, Computer architecture, 32+24 HETD, M1, École des Mines de Nancy + Polytech Nancy, France.
Licence: Galatée Hemery, Programmation, 52 HETD, L3, École des Mines de Nancy, France.
Licence: Sylvain Lazard, Algorithms and Complexity, 20h, L3, Université de Lorraine, France.
Master: Marc Pouget, Introduction to computational geometry, 10.5h, M2, École Nationale Supérieure de Géologie, France.
PhD: Iordan Iordanov, Delaunay triangulations of a family of symmetric hyperbolic surfaces in practice, defended March 12th, supervised by Monique Teillaud [11].
PhD in progress: Sény Diatta, Complexité du calcul de la topologie d'une courbe dans l'espace et d'une surface, started in Nov. 2014, supervised by Daouda Niang Diatta, Marie-Françoise Roy and Guillaume Moroz.
PhD in progress: Charles Duménil, Probabilistic analysis of geometric structures, started in Oct. 2016, supervised by Olivier Devillers.
PhD in progress: George Krait, Topology of singular curves and surfaces, applications to visualization and robotics, started in Nov. 2017, supervised by Sylvain Lazard, Guillaume Moroz and Marc Pouget.
PhD in progress: Galatée Hemery, Algorithmic and geometric aspects of inclusion-exclusion, started in Sep. 2018 , supervised by Xavier Goaoc and Éric Colin de Verdière (UPEM).
PhD in progress: Nuwan Herath, Fast algorithm for the visualization of surfaces, started in Nov. 2019, supervised by Sylvain Lazard, Guillaume Moroz and Marc Pouget.