Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Participants : Benoît Caillaud, Aurélien Lamercerie.

The Hycomes has been participating to the SUNSET project (2016–2019) of the CominLabs excellence laboratory  (http://www.s3pm.cominlabs.ueb.eu/). This project focuses on the computation of surgical procedural knowledge models from recordings of individual procedures, and their execution  [28]. The objective is to develop an enabling technology for procedural knowledge based computer assistance of surgery. In this project, we demonstrate its potential added value in nurse and surgeon training. The main contribution of the Hycomes team to this project has been the development of Demodocos, a process model synthesis tool, capable of generating models of a surgical procedure, from a few recordings of actual procedures. Demodocos has been interfaced to the #SEVEN virtual reality scenario modeling language and engine, developed in the Hybrid team at Inria Rennes. In 2019, the team has contributed to two publications presenting experimental results of the SUNSET project [9][6].