Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
InriaHub ADT Kino Ai (October 2018-September 2020)
Participants : Rémi Ronfard, Rémi Colin de Verdière, Qianqian Fu.
This two-year contract is a follow up to the one-year InriaHub ULTRAHD project which was successfully completed in December 2017. Kino Ai is a joint research project of the IMAGINE team at Inria Grenoble Alpes, and the Performance Lab at Univ. Grenoble Alpes. Following our previous work in “multiclip video editing” and “Split Screen Video Generation”, we are working to provide a user-friendly environment for editing and watching ultra-high definition movies online, with an emphasis on recordings of live performances.
The code from Vineet Gandhi's PhD thesis was entirely re-designed for supporting ultra high definition video. The software was extensively tested in 2017 on a large dataset of 4K video recordings of theatre rehearsals, in collaboration with the Litt&Arts team at Univ. Grenoble Alpes, theatre director Jean-Francois Peyret in Paris, Theatre de l'Hexagone in Meylan and Theatre de Vidy in Lausanne. The goal of the Kino AI ADT is to allow the Kino Ai python code to run in a web server, and to provide a redesigned user interface (in javascript) running on a web client. The user interface was also designed, tested and evaluated with the Litt&Arts team at Univ. Grenoble Alpes, as part of CDP project Performance Lab.
FUI Collodi 2 (December 2016 - April 2019)
Participants : Rémi Ronfard, Maguelonne Beaud de Brive, Julien Daval.
This 2-year contract with two industrial partners: TeamTo and Mercenaries Engineering (software for production rendering), was a follow-up and a generalization of Dynam'it and Collodi 1. The goal was to propose an integrated software for the animation and final rendering of high-quality movies, as an alternative to the ever-ageing Maya. The project was funding 2 engineers for 2 years.
The project was extended for four additional months from January to April 2019 to allow extended expert evaluation of our sketch-based animation toolkit. Three short animations were created for this purpose by a professional animator from film examples of dancers (Gene Kelly in "Singing in the rain", Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse in "The band wagon"). Those examples demonstrate that sketch-based animation can be used to create complex character animation even in very challenging situations. Those results were presented during the two final reviews of the COLLODI2 project in Valence and Paris in December 2019 and published as a research report.
FUI 3D-Oncochip (October 2018 - September 2021)
Participants : Jean-Claude Léon, Musaab Khalid Osman Mohammed.
3D-Oncochip project is a collaboration with Microlight 3D, with the objective of fabricating nanoscale 3D microtumors, which are human biological models of real tumors. This 3-year contract is funding the postdoc position of Musaab Khalid Osman Mohammed.
ANR E-ROMA (November 2017 - October 2020)
Participants : Rémi Ronfard, Stefanie Hahmann, Pierre Casati.
The eRoma project aims at revisiting the digitization and virtual restoration of archaeological and fine arts artefacts by taking advantage of the sites from which they were retrieved and the eras they belong to. To do so, e-Roma will develop a new virtual representation both versatile and unified enough to be used for both restoration and animation of digitized artworks. Traditional cardboard models with a fixed and rigid representation will therefore be replaced by interactive dynamic virtual prototypes, to help restore statues and illustrate changes over time.
This 3-year contract is a joint project with GeoMod team at LIRIS and the musée gallo-romain in Lyon. The contract started in November 2017 and is funding the PhD thesis of Pierre Casati.
ANR FOLD-DYN (November 2017 - October 2020)
Participant : Thomas Buffet.
The FOLDDyn project (Field-Oriented Layered Dynamics animating 3D characters) proposes the study of new theoretical approaches for the effective generation of virtual characters deformations, when they are animated. These deformations are twofolds: character skin deformations (skinning) and garment simulations. We propose to explore the possibilities offered by a novel theoretical way of addressing character deformations: the implicit skinning. This method jointly uses meshes (the standard representation for 3D animations) and volumetric scalar functions (an unusual representation in this community).
This 3-year contract is a joint project with the University of Toulouse.The contract started in November 2017 and is funding the PhD thesis of Thomas Buffet.
ANR ANATOMY2020 (November 2017 - October 2020)
Participants : Olivier Palombi, Rémi Ronfard, Vaishnavi Ameya Murukutla.
Anatomy2020 aims at developing an innovative educational platform to facilitate learning of functional anatomy. This platform will integrate recent advances in computer graphics, human-computer interaction together with recent insights in educational and cognitive sciences to design and test optimal scenarios for anatomy learning. The approach is based on evidences that body movements could improve learning of different knowledge by “augmenting” or “enriching” traces in long-term memory. This “embodied” perspective is particularly relevant for learning of functional anatomy as the knowledge to acquire could be specifically related to the learner’s body in motion.
This 3-year contract is a joint project with TIMC (Computer-Assisted Medical Intervention team), Anatoscope, Gipsa-Lab (speech and cognition dept.), LIBM and LIG (Engineering Human-Computer Interaction team). The contract started in November 2017 and is funding the PhD thesis of Ameya Murukutla.