Research Program
New Software and Platforms
New Results
- Spatio-temporal constraints for mobile systems, with automotive driving assistance illustrations
- System Engineering for Performance and Availability in satellite embedded COTS
- Efficient solvers and provers for CCSL
- Formal temporal Smart Contracts
- CCSL extension to Stochastic logical time
- Semantic Resource Discovery in Internet
- Raising Semantic Resource Discovery in IoT
- Empirical study of Amdahl's law on multicore processors
- Communicating Networks of Data-Flow (sub)networks with limited memory
- Behavioral Equivalence of Open Systems
- Calculi with Union and Intersection types
- Bull, an Interactive Type Checker with Union and Intersection Types
- Co-Modeling for Better Co-Simulations
- CCSL for Models Behavioral Composition
- Expressing IoT security constraints
- Real-Time Systems Compilation
- Formal Modeling of Concurrent Implementations
- Scalability of Constraint Programming for Real-Time Scheduling
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
Research Program
New Software and Platforms
New Results
- Spatio-temporal constraints for mobile systems, with automotive driving assistance illustrations
- System Engineering for Performance and Availability in satellite embedded COTS
- Efficient solvers and provers for CCSL
- Formal temporal Smart Contracts
- CCSL extension to Stochastic logical time
- Semantic Resource Discovery in Internet
- Raising Semantic Resource Discovery in IoT
- Empirical study of Amdahl's law on multicore processors
- Communicating Networks of Data-Flow (sub)networks with limited memory
- Behavioral Equivalence of Open Systems
- Calculi with Union and Intersection types
- Bull, an Interactive Type Checker with Union and Intersection Types
- Co-Modeling for Better Co-Simulations
- CCSL for Models Behavioral Composition
- Expressing IoT security constraints
- Real-Time Systems Compilation
- Formal Modeling of Concurrent Implementations
- Scalability of Constraint Programming for Real-Time Scheduling
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations