Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
HyAIAI: Hybrid Approaches for Interpretable AI
Participants: E. Fromont (leader), A. Termier, L. Galárraga
The Inria Project Lab HyAIAI is a consortium of Inria teams (Sequel, Magnet, Tau, Orpailleur, Multispeech, and LACODAM) that work together towards the development of novel methods for machine learning, that combine numerical and symbolic approaches. The goal is to develop new machine learning algorithms such that (i) they are as efficient as current best approaches, (ii) they can be guided by means of human-understandable constraints, and (iii) its decisions can be better understood.
Hyptser: Hybrid Prediction of Time Series
Participants: T. Guyet, S. Malinowski (LinkMedia), V. Lemaire (Orange)
Hyptser is a collaborative project between Orange Labs and LACODAM funded by the Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard (PGMO program). It aims at developping new hybrid time series prediction methods in order to improve capacity planning for server farms. Capacity planning is the process of determining the infrastructure needed to meet future customer demands for online services. A well-made capacity planning helps to reduce operational costs, and improves the quality of the provided services. Capacity planning requires accurate forecasts of the differences between the customer demands and the infrastructure theoretical capabilities. The Hyptser project makes the assumption that this information is captured by key performance indicators (KPI), that are measured continuously in the service infrastructure. Thus, we expect to improve capacity planning capabilities by making accurate forecasts of KPI time series. Recent methods about time series forecasting make use of ensemble models. In this project, we are interested in developing hybrid models for time series forecasting. Hybrid models aim at jointly partitioning the data, learning forecasting models in each partition and learning how to combine their outputs. We are currently developing two different approaches for that purpose, one based on the MODL framework and the other based on neural networks. We describe these approaches below:
MODL is a mathematical framework that turns the learning task into a model selection problem. It aims at finding the most probable model given the data. The MODL approach has been applied on numerous learning tasks. In all cases, this approach leads to a regularized optimization criterion. We formalize a new MODL criterion able to learn hybrid models on time series in order to: i) make a partition of time series; ii) learn local regression models. This approach formalizes these two steps in a unified way.
We are also developing an hybrid neural network structure that is able to learn automatically a soft partitioning of the data together with local models on each partition.
In the next steps of this project, we will analyze the performance of this two strategies on KPI time series provided by Orange and compare them to classical ensemble methods.
Participants: A. Termier, V. Masson, C. Largouët, A.I. Graux
#DigitAg is a “Convergence Institute” dedicated to the increasing importance of digital techniques in agriculture. Its goal is twofold: First, make innovative research on the use of digital techniques in agriculture in order to improve competitiveness, preserve the environment, and offer correct living conditions to farmers. Second, prepare future farmers and agricultural policy makers to successfully exploit such technologies. While #DigitAg is based on Montpellier, Rennes is a satellite of the institute focused on cattle farming.
LACODAM is involved in the “data mining” challenge of the institute, which A. Termier co-leads. He is also the representative of Inria in the steering comittee of the institute. The interest for the team is to design novel methods to analyze and represent agricultural data, which are challenging because they are both heterogeneous and multi-scale (both spatial and temporal).
FAbLe: Framework for Automatic Interpretability in Machine Learning
Participants: L. Galárraga (holder), C. Largouët
How can we fully automatically choose the best explanation for a given use case in classification?. Answering this question is the raison d’être of the JCJC ANR project FAbLe. By “best explanation” we mean the explanation that yields the best trade-off between interpretability and fidelity among a universe of possible explanations. While fidelity is well-defined as the accuracy of the explanation w.r.t the answers of the black-box, interpretability is a subjective concept that has not been formalized yet. Hence, in order to answer our prime question we first need to answer the question: “How can we formalize and quantify interpretability across models?”. Much like research in automatic machine learning has delegated the task of accurate model selection to computers [26], FAbLe aims at fully delegating the selection of interpretable explanations to computers. Our goal is to produce a suite of algorithms that will compute suitable explanations for ML algorithms based on our insights of what is interpretable. The algorithms will choose the best explanation method based on the data, the use case, and the user’s background. We will implement our algorithms so that they are fully compatible with the body of available software for data science (e.g., Scikit-learn).
National Platforms
PEPS: Pharmaco-epidemiology for Health Products
Participants: J. Bakalara, Y. Dauxais, T. Guyet, V. Masson, R. Quinou, A. Samet
The PEPS project (Pharmaco-epidemiology des Produits de Santé) is funded by the ANSM (National Agency for Health Security). The project leader is E. Oger from the clinical investigation center CIC-1414 INSERM/CHU Rennes. The other partners located in Rennes are the Institute of Research and Technology (IRT), B<>Com, EHESP and the LTSI. The project started in January 2015 and is funded for 4 years. The PEPS project consists of two parts: a set of clinical studies and a research program dedicated to the development of innovative tools for pharmaco-epidemiological studies with medico-administrative databases. Our contribution to this project will be to propose pattern mining algorithms and reasoning techniques to analyse the typical care pathways of specific groups of insured patients. Since last year we have been working on the design and development of algorithms [25], [24] to mine patterns on care pathways.