New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Application Domains


  • RDF Archiving. The dynamicity of the Semantic Web has motivated the development of solutions for RDF archiving, i.e., the task of storing and querying all previous versions of an RDF dataset. Notwithstanding the value of RDF archiving for data maintainers and consumers, this field of research remains under-developed for multiple reasons. These include notably (i) the lack of usability and scalability of the existing systems, (ii) no archiving support for multi-graph RDF datasets, (iii) the absence of a standard SPARQL extension for RDF archives, and (iv) a disregard of the evolution patterns of RDF datasets. The PhD thesis of Olivier Pelgrin aims at developing techniques towards a scalable and full-fledged archiving solution for the Semantic Web. This PhD thesis is a collaboration between LACODAM and the DAISY team at Aalborg University.