Section: Research Program
Beyond Vectorial Models for NLP
One of our overall research objectives is to derive graph-based machine learning algorithms for natural language and text information extraction tasks. This section discusses the motivations behind the use of graph-based ML approaches for these tasks, the main challenges associated with it, as well as some concrete projects. Some of the challenges go beyond NLP problems and will be further developed in the next sections. An interesting aspect of the project is that we anticipate some important cross-fertilizations between NLP and ML graph-based techniques, with NLP not only benefiting from but also pushing ML graph-based approaches into new directions.
Motivations for resorting to graph-based algorithms for texts are at least threefold. First, online texts are organized in networks. With the advent of the web, and the development of forums, blogs, and micro-blogging, and other forms of social media, text productions have become strongly connected. Interestingly, NLP research has been rather slow in coming to terms with this situation, and most of the literature still focus on document-based or sentence-based predictions (wherein inter-document or inter-sentence structure is not exploited). Furthermore, several multi-document tasks exist in NLP (such as multi-document summarization and cross-document coreference resolution), but most existing work typically ignore document boundaries and simply apply a document-based approach, therefore failing to take advantage of the multi-document dimension [38], [41].
A second motivation comes from the fact that most (if not all) NLP problems can be naturally conceived as graph problems. Thus, NLP tasks often involve discovering a relational structure over a set of text spans (words, phrases, clauses, sentences, etc.). Furthermore, the input of numerous NLP tasks is also a graph; indeed, most end-to-end NLP systems are conceived as pipelines wherein the output of one processor is in the input of the next. For instance, several tasks take POS tagged sequences or dependency trees as input. But this structured input is often converted to a vectorial form, which inevitably involves a loss of information.
Finally, graph-based representations and learning methods appear to address some core problems faced by NLP, such as the fact that textual data are typically not independent and identically distributed, they often live on a manifold, they involve very high dimensionality, and their annotations is costly and scarce. As such, graph-based methods represent an interesting alternative to, or at least complement, structured prediction methods (such as CRFs or structured SVMs) commonly used within NLP. Graph-based methods, like label propagation, have also been shown to be very effective in semi-supervised settings, and have already given some positive results on a few NLP tasks [21], [43].
Given the above motivations, our first line of research will be to investigate how one can leverage an underlying network structure (e.g., hyperlinks, user links) between documents, or text spans in general, to enhance prediction performance for several NLP tasks. We think that a “network effect”, similar to the one that took place in Information Retrieval (with the PageRank algorithm), could also positively impact NLP research. A few recent papers have already opened the way, for instance in attempting to exploit Twitter follower graph to improve sentiment classification [42].
Part of the challenge here will be to investigate how adequately and efficiently one can model these problems as instances of more general graph-based problems, such as node clustering/classification or link prediction discussed in the next sections. In a few cases, like text classification or sentiment analysis, graph modeling appears to be straightforward: nodes correspond to texts (and potentially users), and edges are given by relationships like hyperlinks, co-authorship, friendship, or thread membership. Unfortunately, modeling NLP problems as networks is not always that obvious. From the one hand, the right level of representation will probably vary depending on the task at hand: the nodes will be sentences, phrases, words, etc. From the other hand, the underlying graph will typically not be given a priori, which in turn raises the question of how we construct it. A preliminary discussion of the issue of optimal graph construction for semi-supervised learning in NLP is given in [21], [46]. We identify the issue of adaptive graph construction as an important scientific challenge for machine learning on graphs in general, and we will discuss it further in Section 3.3.
As noted above, many NLP tasks have been recast as structured prediction problems, allowing to capture (some of the) output dependencies. How to best combine structured output and graph-based ML approaches is another challenge that we intend to address. We will initially investigate this question within a semi-supervised context, concentrating on graph regularization and graph propagation methods. Within such approaches, labels are typically binary or in a small finite set. Our objective is to explore how one propagates an exponential number of structured labels (like a sequence of tags or a dependency tree) through graphs. Recent attempts at blending structured output models with graph-based models are investigated in [43], [31]. Another related question that we will address in this context is how does one learn with partial labels (like partially specified tag sequence or tree) and use the graph structure to complete the output structure. This last question is very relevant to NLP problems where human annotations are costly; being able to learn from partial annotations could therefore allow for more targeted annotations and in turn reduced costs [33].
The NLP tasks we will mostly focus on are coreference resolution and entity linking, temporal structure prediction, and discourse parsing. These tasks will be envisioned in both document and cross-document settings, although we expect to exploit inter-document links either way. Choices for these particular tasks is guided by the fact that they are still open problems for the NLP community, they potentially have a high impact for industrial applications (like information retrieval, question answering, etc.), and we already have some expertise on these tasks in the team (see for instance [32], [28], [30]). As a midterm goal, we also plan to work on tasks more directly relating to micro-blogging, such as sentiment analysis and the automatic thread structuring of technical forums; the latter task is in fact an instance of rhetorical structure prediction [45]. We have already initiated some work on the coreference resolution with graph-based learning, by casting the problem as an instance of spectral clustering [30].