Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
The project-team is involved in several ANR projects:
S. Boyaval is the PI of the ANR JCJC project SEDIFLO (2016-2021) to investigate new numerical models of solid transport in rivers.
V. Ehrlacher is the PI of the ANR project COMODO (2020-2024) which focuses on the development of efficient numerical methods to simulate cross-diffusion systems on moving domains, with application to the simulation of the fabrication process of thin film solar cells. It includes research teams from Inria Lille, Inria Sophia-Antipolis and Germany.
V. Ehrlacher is a member of the ANR project ADAPT (2018-2022), PI: D. Lombardi, Inria REO team-project. This project is concerned with the parallelization of tensor methods for high-dimensional problems.
F. Legoll is a member of the ANR project CINE-PARA (2015-2020), PI: Y. Maday, Sorbonne Université. This project is concerned with parallel-in-time algorithms.
T. Lelièvre is responsible of the node "Ecole des Ponts" of the ANR QuAMProcs (2019-2023), to which G. Stoltz also participates, PI: L. Michel, Université de Bordeaux.
G. Stoltz is the PI of the ANR project COSMOS (2014-2019) which focuses on the development of efficient numerical techniques to simulate high-dimensional systems in molecular dynamics and computational statistics. It includes research teams from Institut Mines-Telecom, Inria Rennes and IBPC Paris.
Members of the project-team are participating in the following GdR:
CORREL (correlated methods in electronic structure computations),
DYNQUA (time evolution of quantum systems, with applications to transport problems, nonequilibrium systems, etc.),
MASCOT-NUM (stochastic methods for the analysis of numerical codes),
The project-team is involved in two Labex: the Labex Bezout (2011-) and the Labex MMCD (2012-).
We have invited the following national researchers to visit our team: