Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
The members of the project-team have taught the following courses.
At École des Ponts 1st year (equivalent to L3):
Analyse et calcul scientifique, 30h (V. Ehrlacher, O. Gorynina, R. Goudey, A. Lesage, S. Siraj-Dine, G. Stoltz),
Équations aux dérivées partielles et éléments finis, 15h (F. Legoll, P.-L. Rothé),
Méthodes numériques pour les problèmes en grande dimension, 17h30 (V. Ehrlacher, S. Boyaval),
Optimisation, 15h, L3 (G. Kemlin, A. Lesage), Outils mathématiques pour l’ingénieur, 15h (E. Cancès, G. Ferré, F. Legoll, T. Lelièvre, P-L. Rothé),
At École des Ponts 2nd year (equivalent to M1):
Contrôle de systèmes dynamiques et équations aux dérivées partielles, 18h (E. Cancès),
Projet du département IMI, 12h (G. Ferré, M. Ramil, J. Roussel, L. Silva Lopes),
Projets Modéliser Programmer Simuler (V. Ehrlacher, G. Robin),
At École des Ponts 3rd year (equivalent to M2):
At the M2 “Mathématiques de la modélisation” of Sorbonne Université:
Introduction à la physique statistique computationnelle, 20h (G. Stoltz),
Problèmes multiéchelles, aspects théoriques et numériques, 24h (F. Legoll),
At other institutions:
Homogenization theory and multiscale problems, 21h, University of Chicago (C. Le Bris).
Probabilités de 1ère année, 27h, L3, Ecole des Mines (M. Ramil),
Supervision of M2 projects, Master Mathématiques pour les sciences du vivant (MathSV) Université Paris-Saclay (G. Robin).
The following PhD theses supervised by members of the project-team have been defended:
Ling-Ling Cao, Mathematical analysis of models of electronic structure for defected materials, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts, defended on October 29th, 2019, supervised by E. Cancès and G. Stoltz,
Grégoire Ferré, Large deviations theory in statistical physics: some theoretical and numerical aspects, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts, defended on November 27th, 2019, supervised by G. Stoltz,
Pierre-Loik Rothé, Numerical methods for the estimation of fluctuations in multi-scale materials and related problems, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts, defended on December 12th, 2019, supervised by F. Legoll,
Laura Silva Lopes, Rare event simulation and applications to biological systems, Université Paris-Est, Ecole des Ponts, defended on December 19th, 2019, supervised by J. Hénin (IBPC) and T. Lelièvre.
The following PhD theses supervised by members of the project-team are ongoing:
Zineb Belkacemi, thèse CIFRE SANOFI, Machine learning for reaction coordinates in molecular dynamics, Université Paris-Est, since November 2018, supervised by T. Lelièvre and G. Stoltz,
Robert Benda, Multiscale modeling of functionalized nanotube networks for sensor applications, École Polytechnique, started September 1st, 2018, supervised by E. Cancès and B. Lebental (École Polytechnique),
Raed Blel, Monte Carlo methods and model reduction, started October 1st, 2018, supervised by V. Ehrlacher and T. Lelièvre,
Rafaël Coyaud, Méthodes déterministes et stochastiques pour le transport optimal, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts, started october 2017, supervised by A. Alfonsi (CERMICS), co-supervised by V. Ehrlacher,
Qiming Du, Mathematical analysis of splitting methods, Ecole Doctorale Sciences Mathématiques de Paris Centre, started September 1st, 2016, supervised by A. Guyader (UPMC) and T. Lelièvre,
Rémi Goudey, Problèmes d'homogénéisation en présence de défauts, Université Paris-Est, started in September 2019, supervised by C. Le Bris.
Gaspard Kemlin, Mathematical and numerical analysis for electronic structures, École des Ponts, started September 1st, 2019, supervised by E. Cancès and co-supervised by A. Levitt.
Adrien Lesage, Multi-scale methods for calculation and optimization of thin structures, started October 1st, 2017, supervised by F. Legoll, co-supervised by V. Ehrlacher and A. Lebée (Ecole des Ponts),
Mouad Ramil, Metastability for interacting particle systems, started October 1st 2017, supervised by T. Lelièvre and J. Reygner (CERMICS),
Lise Maurin, Non reversible and adaptive biasing processes for sampling, started 1st October 2018, supervised by T. Lelièvre and J.-P. Piquemal (Sorbonne Université), together with P. Monmarché (Sorbonne Université),
Idrissa Niakh, Réduction de modèles pour les inégalités variationnelles, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts, thèse CIFRE EDF, started november 2019, supervised by A. Ern (CERMICS), co-supervised by V. Ehrlacher,
Inass Sekkat, Large scale Bayesian inference, Université Paris-Est, since March 2018, supervised by G. Stoltz,
Sami Siraj-Dine, Modélisation mathématique des matériaux 2D, École des Ponts, started October 1st, 2017, supervised by E. Cancès, C. Fermanian and co-supervised by A. Levitt.
Project-team members have participated in the following PhD juries:
S. Boyaval, PhD of Olivier Ozenda (“Continuous modelisation of suspension rheology and migration processes”), defended at Université Grenoble Alpes in Mars 2019,
S. Boyaval, PhD of Sofiane Martel (“Numerical and theoretical analysis of invariant measures of scalar stochastic viscous conservation laws”), defended at Ecole des Ponts in December 2019,
E. Cancès, PhD of Amaury Hayat (“Stabilisation de systèmes hyperboliques non-linéaires en dimension un d’espace”), defended at Sorbonne University in May 2019,
V. Ehrlacher, PhD of Nadia Jbili (“Design and analysis of optimization schemes for nuclear magnetic resonance”), defended at Université Paris-Dauphine in December 2019,
V. Ehrlacher, PhD of Charles Paillet (“Nouvelles démarches de réduction de modèles pour le traitement des problèmes à très grand nombre de paramètres”), defended at Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay in June 2019,
F. Legoll, referee for the PhD of Qingqing Feng (“Développement d'une méthode d'éléments finis multi-échelles pour les écoulements incompressibles dans un milieu hétérogène”), defended at École Polytechnique in September 2019,
T. Lelièvre, referee for the PhD of Augustin Chevallier ("Random walks for estimating densities of states and the volume of convex bodies in high dimensional spaces"), defended at Université Côte d'Azur in April 2019,
T. Lelièvre, referee for the PhD of Oleg Balabanov ("Randomized linear algebra for model order reduction"), defended at Université Bretagne Loire in October 2019,
T. Lelièvre, referee for the PhD of Lara Neureither ("Irreversible multi-scale diffusions: time scales and model reduction"), defended at Brandenburgische Technische Universität in November 2019,
G. Stoltz, referee for the PhD of Nicolas Brosse ("Around the Langevin algorithm in high dimension: extensions and applications"), defended at Ecole polytechnique in June 2019,
G. Stoltz, PhD thesis of Laurent Laflèche ("Large particle dynamical systems"), defended at Université Paris-Dauphine Université Paris-Dauphine in June 2019,
G. Stoltz, referee for the PhD of Nada Cvtekovic ("Convergent discretization schemes for transition path theory for diffusion processes"), defended at FU Berlin in Fall 2019,
G. Stoltz, referee for the PhD of Nadia Jbili ("Design and analysis of optimization schemes for nuclear magnetic resonance"), defended at Université Paris-Dauphine in December 2019.
Project-team members have participated in the following habilitation juries:
S. Boyaval, HdR of Sophie Ricci (“Uncertainties quantification and reduction in the computational geosciences – Application to free-surface hydraulics”), defended at CERFACS in April 2019,
T. Lelièvre, president of the HDR jury of Denis Villemonais ("Exponential convergence to quasistationary distributions and applications"), defended at Université de Lorraine in November 2019.