Section: New Results
Mathematical modeling of neuronal excitability
Modeling cortical spreading depression induced by the hyperactivity of interneurons
Participants : Mathieu Desroches, Olivier Faugeras, Martin Krupa [LJAD, UCA, Inria MathNeuro] , Massimo Mantegazza [Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IPMC), Sophia Antipolis] .
Cortical spreading depression (CSD) is a wave of transient intense neuronal firing leading to a long lasting depolarizing block of neuronal activity. It is a proposed pathological mechanism of migraine with aura. Some forms of migraine are associated with a genetic mutation of the Na
This work has been published in Journal of Computational Neuroscience and is available as [25].
The extension of this work is the topic of the PhD of Louisiane Lemaire, who started in October 2018. A first part of Louisiane's PhD has been to improve and extend the model published in [25] in a number of ways: replace the GABAergic neuron model used in [25], namely the Wang-Buszáki model, by a more recent fast-spiking cortical interneuron model due to Golomb and collaborators; implement the effect of the HM1a toxin used by M. Mantegazza to mimic the genetic mutation of sodium channels responsible for the hyperactivity of the GABAergic neurons; take into account ionic concentration dynamics (relaxing the hypothesis of constant reversal potentials) for the GABAergic as well whereas in [25] this was done only for the Pyramidal neuron. This required a great deal of modelling and calibration and the simulation results are closer to the actual experiments by Mantegazza than in our previous study. A manuscript is in preparation.