Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Mathias Fuegger ,

    • Master :

      • Initiation à la recherche¸ 10 h EQTD, M1, ENS Paris-Saclay, France

  • Stefan Haar ,

    • Licence : Langages Formels, EQTD, L3, ENS Paris-Saclay, France;

    • Master :

      • Analyse de la dynamique des systèmes biologiques¸ 10 h EQTD, M1, Université PAris-Saclay, France

      • Initiation à la recherche¸ 10 h EQTD, M1, ENS Paris-Saclay, France

      • Module SPECIF , 12 h EQTD, M1, UPMC, France.

    • Serge Haddad is head of the Computer Science department of ENS Paris-Saclay. He teaches basic and advanced algorithmics (L3) and probabilistic features of computer science (M1).

    • Stefan Schwoon

      • Responsable L3 Informatique, ENS Paris-Saclay

      • Enseignement au M1 MPRI : cours Initiation à la Vérification (22,5h)

      • Enseignement au L3 Info : cours Architecture et Système (45h), projet Programmation orienté objet (15h), TD Langages Formels (22,5h)

      • Enseignement à l'Aggrétation Maths Option Informatique: cours Algorithmique (22,5h)


  • Serge Haddad is supervising with Alain Finkel the PhD thesis of Igor Khmelnitsky on Verification of infinite-state systems and machine learning.

  • Stefan Haar has been supervising, with Co-superviser Loic Paulevé at LABRI, the PhD theses of

    • Hugues Mandon , Models and Algorithms for cellular reprogramming strategies prediction, ENS Paris-Saclay, defended on Nov. 19, 2019, and

    • Juraj Kolc̆ák , Parametric Logical Regulatory Networks, PhD research started in March 2017.

  • Thomas Chatain has been supervising, with co-superviser Josep Carmona at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain), the PhD thesis of Mathilde Boltenhagen , Optimization Techniques for Conformance Checking and Model Repair in Process Mining, PhD research started in November 2018.

  • Lina Ye has been supervising, with Co-superviser Philippe Dague at LRI, the PhD these of Lulu He , Robustness Analysis of Real-Time Systems, PhD research started in February 2019.


  • Philippe Dague was garant and member of the HdR jury of Sabine Peres, and a member of the HdR jury of Jean-Marie Lagniez.

  • Serge Haddad was the president of the PhD committee of Mauricio Gonzalez defended at ENS Paris-Saclay in November.

  • Thomas Chatain has been a jury member for the PhD defense of Samy Jaziri (supervisers Patricia Bouyer-Decitre et Nicolas Markey) at Université Paris-Saclay in September 2019.

  • Thomas Chatain has been a jury member for the SIF PhD award (Prix de thèse Gilles Kahn 2019).