Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Susanna Donatelli was invited professor of ENS Paris-Saclay during one month in January, working with Serge Haddad on the expressiveness and conciseness of temporal logic for Markov chains. This work was also coninued durin a visit of Serge Haddad at the university of Torino in March. Their joint work has led to a publication to appear in the international conference LATA 2020 at Milano.

  • Sven Dziadek , Sep-Nov 2019 (PhD student, Univ. Leipzig)

Research Stays Abroad
  • Juraj Kolc̆ák visited the SDM group of Hasuo Ichiro at NII Tokyo from August 2018 to February 2019, working in particular on differential logics.