Section: New Software and Platforms


Chill, node-based graphical interface for IceSL

Keywords: 3D - Additive manufacturing

Scientific Description: ChiLL is an effort to explore visual modeling tools for IceSL. The core idea behind Chill is to propose a node-based modeling interface, which is a popular way to facilitate the design of 3D objects without going directly through code. Our approach creates a bridge between nodes-based editing and scripting, as the syntax for creating a new node is identical to the scripting language used in IceSL.

Functional Description: In Chill a user creates 3D shapes by connecting various nodes arranged in a directed graph. The shape visualization is updated instantly as the graph is modified.

News Of The Year: Chill was publicly released during the summer of 2019. We will broadly communicate about it in 2020.

  • Participants: Jimmy Etienne, Pierre Bedell, Thibault Tricard, Yamil Salim Perchy and Sylvain Lefebvre

  • Contact: Sylvain Lefebvre