Section: Research Program

Quantum Computing

While it can be argued that the quantum revolution has already happened in cryptography [39] or in optics [38], quantum computers are far from becoming a common commodity, with only a few teams around the world working on a practical implementation. In fact, one of the most commonly known examples of a quantum computer, the D-Wave 2X System, defies the usual definition of a computer: it is not general-purpose, and can only solve (approximately) a very specific hardwired problem.

Most current prototypes of a quantum computer differ fundamentally on the hardware substrate, and it is quite hard to predict which solution will finally be adopted. The landscape of quantum programming languages is also constantly evolving. Comparably to compiler design, the foundation of quantum software therefore relies on an intermediate representation that is suitable for manipulation, easy to produce from software and easily encodable into hardware. The language of choice for this is the ZX-calculus.

Regardless of the actual model that will be accepted by the industry, it is becoming clear that some of the hurdles into scaling up quantum computers from a few qubits to very large arrays will remain. As an example, current implementations of quantum computers working on hundreds of qubits indeed are not able to form and maintain all possible forms of entanglement between qubits. This raises two questions. First, does this restrict the computational power, and the supposed advantage of the quantum computer over the classical computer? Second, how to ensure that a quantum program that was designed for a theoretical quantum computer will work on the practical implementations? This will be investigated, in particular by providing static analysis methods for evaluating a priori how much entanglement a quantum program needs.