Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
DATASAFE (Understanding data accidents for traffic safety). PI: M.L. Delle Monache (2018-2019)
DATASAFE is a two years project funded by Grenoble Data Institute, with the aim to understand from real traffic data the behavior of traffic in the moments preceding an accident. The general approach is to use novel statistical techniques in order to learn traffic characteristics that can be used to develop new traffic models. Bayesian approaches are used to (supervised) classification and (unsupervised) clustering in order to respectively predict collision occurrences and discover traffic patterns.
MAVIT (Modeling autonomous vehicles in traffic flow). PI: M.L. Delle Monache (2018-2019)
MAVIT is a two year project funded by the University Grenoble Alpes, MSTIC department. The goal of this project is to develop a unified micro-macro approach for traffic management, involving human and autonomous vehicles drivers by providing analytical and numerical tools for traffic modeling, estimation and control. We will work towards field operational tests, by using instrumented cars to collect data on AVs trajectory and their interaction with the traffic flow with human drivers. The proposed research provides new mathematical models, computational/software tools, and engineering solutions for the control of human controlled vehicles via intelligently controlled AVs in the traffic stream. Moreover, the control of traffic via moving actuators provides a new alternative to contemporary control technologies, such as ramp metering and variable speed limits; even when AVs comprise a tiny fraction of the total fleet, these techniques may be viable, and rapidly configurable. This research considers new types of traffic models, new control algorithms for traffic flow regulation, and new sensing and control paradigms that are enabled by a small number of controllable systems anticipated in a flow. Specifically, the research focuses on new (1) micro-macro models to model few AVs in a flow; (2) estimation techniques for AV interactions with the traffic flow; (3) developing and assessing dynamical controllers to mitigate traffic events
SPACE (NanoSatellite Project: Advanced modelling and Control of attitude dynamics for quantum communication). PI: H. Fourati (2018-2019)
SPACE is a two-year project funded by the IDEX University Grenoble Alpes. It aims to launch an exploratory study to find the required minimal data we need to collect and combine for software design of Nanosatellite Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS).
CAPTIMOVE (CAPture et analyse d’acTivités humaInes par MOdules inertiels : vers une solution adaptée à la naVigation multimodalE urbaine intelligente). PI: H. Fourati (2018-2019)
Mobility is currently evolving in urban scenarios and multimodality today is the key tomore efficient transportation. It is important to analyze the ecological impact of the varioustransportation modes, to be able to detect the mode used by the commuter and the rule usedto switch from one mode to another. The ultimate goal is to suggest smarter itineraries tocommuters. To this purpose, detection and classification of activities in human mobility fromhis principal residence to his destination (for example, place of work, place of entertainment,etc.) is an important study to carry out. We aim to identify, with high precision, the natureof the transportation modes used during the day (walking, cycling, public transportation, car,etc.) as well as transitions from one mode to another. To reach this goal, we will use inertial and attitude modules, embedded in most inertial units, connected watches and smartphones.These technological tools constitute truly innovative and promising instrumentation for bothnon-invasive automatic capture information in situ, over extended periods, only for accurateand reliable analysis of activities of a person during his/her trip. In terms of research, we willexploit techniques from Machine Learning and state estimation to address this issue. A studyshall be conducted to determine the type, number and location of sensors to be used., Issuesrelated to the quality of data to be provided to algorithms and how to detect and discarderroneous ones from our computation process, will be also addressed. This research finds itsmajor future interest later in the development of a multimodal intelligent navigation systemfor indoor and outdoor environments. These results, once obtained, can also be used to studyand analyze the behavior (choice) of users regarding pedestrian navigation (walking) or theuse of modes of transport (convenience, cost, speed, safety and more and more frequentlyeffects on the environment) or respect for the privacy of individuals (dynamic anonymizationof data while retaining their usefulness).