Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry


Participant : Jean-François Mari.

The AGREV 3 project (for “Agriculture Environment Vittel”) is part of “Agrivair” –a subsidiary of Nestlé Waters– in actions to protect the natural resources of natural mineral water. We used ARPEnTAge to mine survey data about the Vittel-Contrexéville territory, which is suspected of groundwater quality risks [8]. This allowed us to locate regions having the same behavior. In addition, this provided a more contrasted simulation by eliminating the influence of stable zones (forests, permanent grasslands) and a more precise definition of a “neutral” model.


Participants : Nicolas Dante, Jean-François Mari, Amedeo Napoli.

Hydreos is a state organization, so-called “Pôle de compétitivité”, aimed at monitoring and evaluating the quality of water and its delivery (http://www.hydreos.fr/fr). Actually, data about water resources rely on many agronomic variables, including land use successions. The data to be analyzed are obtained by surveys or by satellite images and describe the land use at the level of the agricultural parcel. Then there is a search for detecting changes in land use and for correlating these changes to groundwater quality. Accordingly, one main challenge in our participation in Hydreos is to process and analyze space-time data for reaching a better understanding of the changes in the organization of a territory. The systems ARPEnTAge and CarottAge are used in this context, especially by agronomists of INRA (ASTER Mirecourt http://www6.nancy.inra.fr/sad-aster).

On other aspects, we tested new deep graph convolutional learning over data provided by the SEDIF “Syndicat des eaux d'Île-de-France” to predict the likelihood of water leaks in a network of pipes and compared it with a master thesis where spatial point process techniques were used (master thesis of Nicolas Dante, M2 IMSD Nancy).

The Smart Knowledge Discovery Project

Participants : Laureline Nevin, Amedeo Napoli.

The SKD project for “Smart Knowledge Discovery” aims at analyzing complex industrial data for troubleshooting and decision making, and is funded by “Grand Est Region”. We are working on exploratory knowledge discovery with the Vize company, which is based in Nancy and specialized in visualization-based data mining. The data which are under study are provided by the Arcelor-Mittal Steel Company and are related to the monitoring of rolling mills. Data are complex time series and the problem is related to a so-called “predictive maintenance”, or how to anticipate problems in the furnaces and avoid their stop. In this way, one main objective of SKD is to combine sequence mining and visualization tools for recognizing temperature problems in the furnaces, and thus preventing the occurrences of defects in the outputs of the rolling mills.