Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Organisation
Nancy Bertin, event coordinator of the 2019 Science and Music Day (Journée Science et Musique) organized by IRISA (with Claire Cury from EMPENN project-team.)
Nancy Bertin, member of the LVA/ICA conference steering committee.
Scientific Events: Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Nancy Bertin, coordinator of the Science and Music Young Researcher Award (Prix Jeune Chercheur Science et Musique).
Rémi Gribonval and Frédéric Bimbot, scientific coordinators of the Science and Music Day (Journée Science et Musique) organized by IRISA.
Member of Conference Program Committees
Membership of Editorial Boards
Frédéric Bimbot, Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Speech Communication.
Rémi Gribonval, Associate Editor of the international journal Constructive Approximation.
Rémi Gribonval, Senior Area Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
Nancy Bertin, Guest Editor of a special issue in the international journal IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
Invited Talks
Jérémy Cohen, invited speaker at workshop "Low Rank Optimization and Applications" (Max Plank Institute for the Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, April 2019) (
Jérémy Cohen, invited speaker at workshop "AI and Tensor Factorizations" (Santa Fe, USA, September 2019)
Rémi Gribonval, keynote at SampTA 2019 (Sampling Theory and Applications) in Bordeaux, France.
Rémi Gribonval, tutorial at Summer School “Sparsity for Physics, Signal and Learning”, Inria Paris, June 2019
Rémi Gribonval, invited talk at 4TU meeting on “Mathematics of Deep Learning”, Delft University, Nov 2019
Rémi Gribonval, invited talk at Alan Turing Institute on “Mathematics of Data”, London, May 2019
Rémi Gribonval, invited talk at GDR ISIS meeting on “Theory of Deep Learning”, Paris, OCt 2019
Rémi Gribonval, panel session on “Signal processing and AI” at GRETSI 2019, Lille, Aug 2019
Scientific Expertise
Rémi Gribonval, vice-president of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Acoustics Research Institute from the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna.
Frédéric Bimbot, member of the International Advisory Council of ISCA (International Speech Communication Association).
Frédéric Bimbot, member of the ANR Expert Scientific Committee n°38, dedicated to the Digital Revolution and its relations to Knowledge and Culture.
Rémi Gribonval, member of the EURASIP Special Area Team (SAT) on Signal and Data Analytics for Machine Learning (SiG-DML) since 2015.
Research Administration
Rémi Gribonval, member of the organization committee of the 2019 GDR ISIS / GRETSI / Club EAA thesis prize in signal and image processing.
Nancy Bertin, elected member of the “Comité de Centre” at Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique research center.
Nancy Bertin, coordinator of IRISA “Arts, Heritage and Culture crosscutting axis” (with Valérie Gouranton, HYBRID project-team.)